
Clinical psychology: Art and science

Clinical psychology: Art and science Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that applies scientific knowledge and methods to understand, assess, and treat various mental disorders and behavioral problems. Clinical psychologists use a range of techniques, such as psychological testing, interviews, observation, and intervention, to help their clients cope with their difficulties and improve their […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Race and Ethnicity in Family Structures

Race and Ethnicity in Family Structures Research has shown correlations between race or ethnicity and tendencies in family structure patterns in the United States. According to recent sociological studies from 2011 to the present, differences exist in marriage rates, divorce rates, cohabitation rates, and nonmarital birth rates among racial/ethnic groups. Non-Hispanic white families have been […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

The Rise and Fall of Nazism

The Rise and Fall of Nazism: Discussion Analysis Nazism, also known as National Socialism, emerged in Germany during the early 20th century and had a profound impact on world history. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Nazism, exploring its origins, ideology, key figures, policies, and ultimate downfall. By examining recent research and […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Define the term “ageism

Define the term “ageism Ageism is the discrimination or prejudice against people based on their age, especially older adults. Ageism can manifest in various forms, such as stereotypes, negative attitudes, harassment, exclusion, or denial of opportunities and services. Ageism can have detrimental effects on the well-being, health, and dignity of older workers, as well as […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Evidence-Based Model and Solving Problems with School Funding

Evidence-Based Model and Solving Problems with School Funding School funding is a complex and controversial issue that affects the quality and equity of education. How can evidence-based models help to address the challenges and opportunities of school funding? This blog post will explore the concept of evidence-based models, their benefits and limitations, and some examples […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Shall Development of Personal Morals Be Part of School Education?

Shall Development of Personal Morals Be Part of School Education? The question of whether personal morals should be taught in schools has been debated for a long time. Some people argue that moral values are subjective and depend on one’s culture, religion, or personal preferences. Others claim that moral values are universal and essential for […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

How does living in a community affect child development?

How does living in a community affect child development? Child development is a complex and dynamic process that involves biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors. One of the most influential factors is the community in which the child lives. The community can provide various resources, opportunities, challenges, and risks that can shape the child’s development […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

The Use of Student-Centred Learning in the Classroom

The Use of Student-Centred Learning in the Classroom Student-centred learning has become an increasingly prevalent approach in educational settings. This teaching method places students at the forefront of the learning process by focusing on their needs, abilities, interests and preferred ways of learning. When implemented effectively in the classroom, student-centred learning can lead to improved […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

The Cognitive Skills of Children with ADHD

The Cognitive Skills of Children with ADHD Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children and often persists into adulthood. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While ADHD is primarily associated with behavioral challenges, it also has a significant impact on cognitive skills. This article explores the cognitive […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Evaluating the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Programs on Reducing Stress and Enhancing Academic Performance in College Students

Evaluating the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Programs on Reducing Stress and Enhancing Academic Performance in College Students Stress is a common problem among college students that can negatively affect their academic performance, mental health, and well-being. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and acceptance. Mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) are […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Socioeconomic Status and Child Development

Socioeconomic Status and Child Development Socioeconomic status (SES) is a complex and multidimensional construct that reflects one’s access to material and social resources, such as income, education, occupation, and neighborhood quality. SES has a profound impact on child development, influencing various aspects of health, cognition, and socioemotional well-being. Research shows that **SES is associated with […]

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Date: October 18th, 2023

Examining Lateral Violence among New Graduate Registered Nurses

Examining Lateral Violence among New Graduate Registered Nurses Lateral violence, also known as horizontal violence or workplace bullying, is a phenomenon that affects many new graduate registered nurses (NGRNs) in their transition from education to practice. Lateral violence refers to the hostile, aggressive, or abusive behaviors that occur between colleagues of similar status or rank, […]

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Date: October 16th, 2023