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Assignment Details:
HOLMES INSTITUTEFACULTY OFHIGHER EDUCATIONGroup Assessment Details and Submission GuidelinesTrimester T1 2020Unit Code HI5003Unit Title Economics for BusinessPurpose of the assessment (withULO Mapping) (i) Students are required to work in groups of 4 members to choose an industry/Sector of their choice. While working in a specific group, students are required to apply their knowledge learned in the course unit to write an industry/sector report (Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5).(ii) Also, students may choose to work as individual. In this regard, contact the Unit Coordinator specifying that you are working on your Group Assignment as INDIVIDUAL and not group.(iii) Finally, students should form their respective groups in the BB as INDIVIDUAL or GROUP.See Assignment Specifications for detailed requirementsASSESSMENTTYPE/Title WEIGHT LEARNING OUTCOMES WordLimit Due dateWritten Final submission Group/ Individual mark 40% 1, 2, 3, 5 2500 See Guidelines belowTotal 40% 1,2,3,4,5 See Guidelines belowSpecific presentation and final assignment submission guidelinesSubmission Guidelines(40 marks) All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the respective due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page:Final industry research submission(i) Due date: Week-11, Mid night Monday June 8, 2020(ii) Final submission research paper on you sector or industry should not exceed 2500 words(iii) The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of the page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.(iv) Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.(v) Penalties apply for late submissions.(vi) Students in a group are required to participate equitably in the group assignment and that students are responsible for the academic integrity of all components of the assignment. You need to complete the following table which identifies which student/students are responsible for the various sections of the assignmentHI5003 Economics for Business___________________________________________________________________________________________________Assignment Section Student/StudentsName Reg. No. Signature1.2.3.4.The table on the previous page (Page 1) needs to be completed and submitted with the assignment as it is a compulsory component required before any grading is undertaken.Assignment Specifications Purpose:This assignment aims to enhance students’ research and analytical ability through the application of their economics knowledge learned in the course unit to compose a company report.The recommended assignment structure for final submission is as follows:? Table of content? Executive Summary (Optional)? Introduction? Introduction to the company? Industry/sector background? The market structure of the industry/sector? Factors that influence demand for the company’s product(s)? Factors that influence supply of the company’s product(s)? Elasticity? Impacts of an event on the industry/company ? Conclusion? List of References.Note*: The structure content is not limited to the items listed above. Creativity for a better report structure is a key requirement.Detailed requirements of the assignmentYou are a group of advisors to the Management Board in your company with Headquarters in Australia. As advisors you are first, required to conduct research on your selected sector/industry covering the previous 510 years. Second, you are required to present a company strategy to your Management Board covering the next 5 years. Third, your Management Board requires that you make a presentation of your findings and strategies, and you prepare a 2,500 word market report. The market report should, as a minimum, address the following key issues:1. A description of your company and the industry your company2. An analysis of the market structure the industry3. A discussion about the demand and supply conditions for your product(s) or service(s).4. A discussion about the demand elasticity for your product(s) or service(s)5. An analysis of a recent event that has (or is likely to have) substantial impacts on your industry/sector.Note: if your company has many products and/or services, you can select a representative product/service to discuss for points (2); (3); (4); and (5).This report should provide useful information for your company’s Management Board. It should use a variety of resources, including the textbook, newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and other sources.Furthermore, your report should include headings and sub-headings. It needs to be properly referenced using the Harvard style and at least 5 references.Australia sector/ industry selection distribution1. Accommodation and Food Services2. Agriculture sector: livestock and meat industry3. Agriculture: fresh foods industry4. Automotive industry5. Aviation Industry6. Banking and superannuation services7. Building and construction8. Construction services9. Education University and tertiary institutions10. Education: Early childhood and education care sector11. Education: Schools education sector (Primary and secondary)12. Education: Technical And Further Education (TAFE) sector13. Energy Utilities Industry14. Engineering and architectural services15. Finance foreign exchange market16. Financial services –Banking sector17. Financial services -Insurance Service18. Fishing19. Forestry20. Gasoline supply services21. Health Care and Social Assistance22. Healthcare services23. Information: internet, radio and television communication24. Information telephone communications25. International trade26. Labour industry27. Leisure and hospitality28. Manufacturing sector29. Media and Entertainment30. Metals and Mining Industry31. Petroleum exploration32. Postal and Warehousing Professional33. Private-for-hire Vehicle Industry in Public Transit34. Property market, Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services35. Public Transport-Train services36. Recreation/ Hotel and restaurants37. Retail and consumer goods business38. Scientific, Technical Services and Architectural services39. Services industry40. Tourism41. Utilities: Electricity and Gas services42. Utilities: Water and Waste ServicesSTUDENT ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION AND LATE PENALTIESTo be eligible to pass this unit, you must complete all forms of assessment and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. All assignments must be submitted electronically ONLY using a word processor, uploaded to Blackboard via the Final Check and Submission of SafeAssign.Submission deadlines are strictly enforced and a late submission incurs penalties of 5 (five) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by the lecturer prior to the assessment deadline. Unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted, no assessments are accepted after 14 calendar days of the due date, or the end of the trimester for assessments due later in a trimester. Students need to allow up to 24 hours for the Final Check of their assignment submission to SafeAssign to be available.Group Assessment PlanAn effective way for students to learn economics is through participation in a Group Assessment Project. This project is designed to accomplish effective learning.During the course of the semester, each of the elements of your Group Assessment, will be reviewed by your Lecturer. The lecturer is encouraged to review each submission and suggest areas for improvement where appropriate, for more detailed study, or if acceptable to allow the students to proceed to the next phase in development. At the end of the semester, each group is to present their entire Group Assessment in class or via Video in class as will be determined by your Lecturer to the class.File Exchange tool:• All the academic papers that are used in the assignment need to be posted on BB by using File Exchange tool (Instruction in page 5, for further questions and advice, refer to your lecturer). Student needs to highlight the discussion in the academic paper which is relevant to the discussion in the assignment. Academic papers can be found in ProQuest (ProQuest instruction can be found in page 5 and 6. Please refer to the Librarian if you have further question). Assignment will be marked ZERO if does not include references list• Group needs to submit the Draft for their assignment by using File Exchange tool one week before the due date of final submission. The draft needs to be different from the last submission and reflect the changes.• If each member will do a part of the assignment, their work needs to be submitted by using File Exchange also.• Presentation slides will be posted by using File Exchange tool.Marking RubricCriteria Excellent ( =80%) Very good (70-79%) Good (60-69%) Satisfactory (50-59%) Unsatisfactory ( 50%)The degree of understanding and knowledge about the company and the industry which is shown in thedescription of the company &industry, and the analysis of market structure(25 % of the total mark) – Excellent understanding about the company/industry with comprehensive and updated data.- Correct identification of the market structure, supported by extensive evidence about the approximate number of firms in the market, market share, market leaders, product homogeneity/heterogeneity, etc.- Very good understanding about the company/ industry with some updated data.- Correct identification of the market structure, supported by good evidence about the approximate number of firms in the market, market share, market leaders, product homogeneity/heterogeneity, etc.- Good understanding about the company/industry with few updated data.- Correct identification of the market structure, supported by some evidence about the approximate number of firms in the market, market share, market leaders, product homogeneity/heterogeneity, etc.- Reasonable understanding about the company/industry with a limited amount of information about the company/industry.- Address the question about market structure but mis-identify the structure or correctly identify the market structure but do not provide good evidence to support. Poor understanding about the industry and completely wrong identification of the market structure with poor evidence to support.The degree of analysis of demand and supply determinants; and the discussion about priceelasticity ofdemand(25% of the total mark) – Excellent analysis about demand and supply determinant, supported by excellent data or studies.- Conclusion about elasticity is strongly supported with excellent discussions/argument Or refer to studies in the literature to support the conclusion – Very good analysis about demand and supply determinant, supported by very good data or studies.- Conclusion about elasticity is supported with good discussions/argument Or refer to studies in the literature to support the conclusion – Good analysis about demand and supply determinant, supported by good data or studies.- Conclusion about elasticity is supported with limited discussions/argument. – Reasonable analysis about demand and supply determinant, supported by limited data or studies.- Conclusion about elasticity is not supported with discussions/argument. -Poor analysis about demand and supply determinant, with no supported discussion.-Conclusion about elasticity is not supported with discussions/argument.The analysis of a recent event that has some -Excellent description of the event-Excellent discussion about the likely impact of the event on the -Very good description of the event-Very good discussion about the likely impact of the event -Good description of the event-Good discussion about the likely impact of the event on the market, supported by -Reasonable description of the event-Reasonable discussion about the likely impact of -Poor description the event-Poor discussion about the likely impact of theHI5003 Economics for Business___________________________________________________________________________________________________Criteria Excellent ( =80%) Very good (70-79%) Good (60-69%) Satisfactory (50-59%) Unsatisfactory ( 50%)substantial impacts on the industry(25% of the total mark) market, supported by good evidence (statistics, studies or articles that discuss the actual or likely impacts). on the market, supported by some good evidence(statistics, studies or articles that discuss the actual or likely impacts). limited evidence (statistics, studies or articles that discuss the actual or likely impacts) the event on the market, not supported by good evidence event on the market, not supported by any evidenceThe degree of research, the format, structure, presentation, and writing of the report(25 % of the total mark)- Evidence of comprehensive and relevant research with correct referencing.- Meet format requirements to a high standard, including clear structure, headings, word count (close to approximation) and excellent presentation. -Evidence of very good and relevant research with correct referencing.-Meet format requirements to a very good standard, including clear structure, headings, word count (close to approximation) and very good presentation. -Evidence of good and relevant research with correct referencing.-Meet format requirements to a good standard, including clear structure, headings, word count (close to approximation) and good presentation. -Evidence of reasonable research with some mistakes in referencing.-Meet format requirements to a reasonable standard, but could be improved with a clearer structure, headings, or may have better met word count approximation) and fair presentation. -No good and relevant research with many mistakes in referencing.-May not have followed key question selection guidance, or may not meet format requirements, such as clear discussions, titles or headings, word count, or poor presentation.HI5003 Economics for Business 6

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