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Posted: October 26th, 2023

Application of Christian Worldview in Solving Ethical Dilemma

Application of Christian Worldview in Solving Ethical Dilemma

Ethical dilemmas are an inherent part of various professional fields, including psychology. These dilemmas arise when professionals are confronted with choices that challenge their values and principles. This essay delves into the application of a Christian worldview in resolving ethical dilemmas, with a specific focus on a psychologist facing a dilemma regarding testifying as a character witness in a legal case involving a former client. We will explore the themes of compassion, selflessness, and sensitivity as taught in Christian doctrine and how they can guide the psychologist’s decision-making process. By examining these themes, we aim to provide insights into how Christian principles can be practically employed to address ethical quandaries in professional settings.

Themes and Outcomes


Compassion is a central theme in Christian teachings, exemplified through the actions of Jesus throughout His ministry. Matthew 20:34 recounts an instance where Jesus showed compassion to two blind men outside Jericho by healing them, demonstrating His willingness to alleviate their suffering (Bast, 2008). The principle of compassion is about reaching out to those in distress and extending a helping hand.

In the ethical dilemma presented, the psychologist can apply the theme of compassion by expressing his genuine desire to assist the former client with his legal case. Compassion in this context entails recognizing the client’s need for character references and offering support while adhering to professional ethics. The psychologist should transparently communicate the boundaries within which he can assist to ensure that he does not compromise patient confidentiality and professional integrity.


Selflessness, as emphasized in Christian doctrine, is rooted in the teaching that Christians should prioritize the needs and well-being of others above their own (GotQuestions.org, n.d.). In Matthew 5:45, Jesus underscores the importance of extending love to even those perceived as unlovable. This selfless love is a fundamental commandment for Christians.

In the psychologist’s ethical dilemma, adopting selflessness means putting the former client’s interests before his own. By choosing to support the client in his legal case, the psychologist displays selflessness by considering the client’s needs and well-being as paramount. This decision should not be influenced by fears of professional repercussions or personal inconveniences but rather guided by the Christian principle of loving others as oneself.


Sensitivity, in the context of Christian teachings, involves understanding the emotional and practical needs of others and taking action to address those needs. Jesus demonstrated sensitivity by perceiving the suffering of a bleeding woman in Luke 8:42-48, acknowledging her problem, and subsequently healing her (Pritchard, 2012). Christians are called to be sensitive to the needs of those around them and to provide assistance where possible.

In the psychologist’s situation, sensitivity to the former client’s feelings and requirements is paramount. The psychologist, having knowledge of the client’s legal situation, is in a unique position to offer assistance. The Christian principle of sensitivity obligates him to act in a way that alleviates the client’s distress. This could entail testifying as a character witness if it is within ethical boundaries and serves the best interests of the former client.


In the field of psychology and other professions, ethical dilemmas are inevitable. These dilemmas require careful consideration, guided by one’s ethical framework and worldview. In the case of the psychologist presented with the choice of testifying as a character witness for a former client in a legal case, the application of a Christian worldview, with its core principles of compassion, selflessness, and sensitivity, can provide valuable guidance.

Compassion allows the psychologist to offer support while respecting ethical boundaries and the client’s needs. Selflessness encourages a decision that prioritizes the client’s interests over personal concerns. Sensitivity requires the psychologist to be attuned to the client’s emotional state and offer assistance as appropriate. By embracing these Christian values, the psychologist can navigate the ethical dilemma with integrity, ensuring that professional duty and personal values align.


Bast, D. (2008). The Compassion of Jesus. Words of Hope. https://www.woh.org/2008/04/20/the-compassion-of-jesus/

GotQuestions.org. (n.d.). Calvinism vs. Arminianism—Which view is correct? GotQuestions.Org. Retrieved August 23, 2022, from https://www.gotquestions.org/Calvinism-vs-Arminianism.html

Pritchard, R. (2012). The Sensitivity of Jesus. Keep Believing Ministries. https://www.keepbelieving.com/sermon/the-sensitivity-of-jesus-2/

Behnke, S. (2005). Ethics Rounds—On being an ethical psychologist. Https://Www.Apa.Org, 36(7). https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug05/ethics

[Insert 5th reference here, following OSCOLA citation format, from a source published between 2018 and 2023.]

Ethical Issues: Personal and Cultural Values in Ethical Dilemmas

The dynamic field of psychology inevitably encounters ethical dilemmas, where practitioners must navigate the delicate balance between professional responsibilities and personal values. Such dilemmas are common in psychology and encompass issues like informed consent, confidentiality, duty to protect, multiple relationships, and authorization to release information. Confidentiality, as indicated by research, emerges as a prevalent ethical dilemma in the field (Hale & Briano, 2023). Ethical principles are the guiding light for psychologists when faced with such dilemmas, enabling them to make decisions that respect their clients’ rights and well-being. This paper delves into the intersection of cultural and personal values with ethical dilemmas and examines how they align with the ethical principles outlined in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Code of Ethics.

The Ethical Dilemma

The focal point of this ethical dilemma lies in the psychologist’s response to a former client who has requested that he serve as a character witness in a legal case. To better grasp the context, the psychologist reviews the client’s chart, which reveals that their past sessions addressed issues of depression and relationship difficulties, unrelated to impulse control or antisocial tendencies. The psychologist recalls the client as someone who consistently attended appointments and positively engaged in therapy (Ethical Psychology, 2012). The dilemma revolves around the psychologist’s need to balance professional obligations with personal values, encompassing issues such as avoiding harm, preserving professional integrity, respecting the former client’s rights and dignity, patient confidentiality, informed consent, and maintaining professional boundaries. In responding to the client’s request, the psychologist must consider these elements alongside their cultural and personal values.

Relevant APA Code of Ethics and Guiding Principles

The APA Code of Ethics serves as a crucial guide for psychologists, aiding them in making ethical decisions as they navigate complex scenarios in their daily practice. The primary objective of this code is to protect and safeguard the welfare of individuals and groups psychologists work with, emphasizing personal commitment and lifelong dedication to ethical conduct.

Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence

The principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence hold particular relevance in this ethical dilemma. Beneficence calls for psychologists to act in a manner that benefits those they work with, while nonmaleficence underscores the importance of avoiding harm (American Psychological Association, 2017). Psychologists must safeguard the welfare and rights of clients and other affected individuals. In the presented dilemma, serving as a character witness may benefit the former client by reinforcing character references, potentially influencing the legal proceedings positively. The psychologist’s recollections of the client’s positive engagement in therapy could contribute to a just outcome. However, the psychologist must assess whether their experience with the client justifies serving as a character witness and consider the possibility of causing harm, particularly through the disclosure of sensitive information.

Principle C: Integrity

Integrity, as outlined in the APA Code of Ethics, necessitates psychologists to promote honesty, accuracy, and integrity. They should uphold professional honesty, adhere to ethical standards, obtain informed consent, and act transparently. Serving as a character witness introduces the potential for multiple relationships and conflicts of interest, which can compromise professional objectivity and judgment (American Psychological Association, 2017). Therefore, the psychologist should provide accurate and honest testimony based on their professional experience and genuine assessment of the client’s character, while maintaining integrity in their role.

Principle E: Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity

Psychologists are required to uphold the dignity of all individuals and respect their rights to self-determination, privacy, and confidentiality (American Psychological Association, 2017). Based on this principle, the psychologist should ensure that the client is well-informed about the benefits and potential consequences of having the psychologist serve as a character witness. The client’s autonomy should be respected by allowing them to decide whether they still want the psychologist’s involvement. Additionally, the psychologist must protect the client’s privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that sensitive information from therapy sessions remains undisclosed during the legal process. Transparency and honesty about the nature and limitations of the psychologist’s role as a character witness should be maintained to uphold the client’s dignity.

Personal and Cultural Values

My personal and cultural values emphasize justice, honesty, compassion, respect, and a commitment to supporting individuals in their personal growth. These values align with the APA Code of Ethics, which prioritizes the well-being and non-harm of clients. My values, particularly compassion and understanding, encourage me to approach a client’s situation with empathy rather than judgment. Furthermore, they underscore the importance of respecting individual freedoms, rights, and the legal process in achieving overall well-being.

In this ethical dilemma, my values would guide me to prioritize the client’s autonomy, dignity, justice, and well-being. I would engage in open communication with the client to understand their reasons for choosing me as a character witness. I would explain the potential benefits and risks of serving in this role and allow the client to make an informed decision regarding my involvement. Additionally, I would ensure that the client does not face discrimination or unequal treatment based on information from therapy sessions by clarifying that the sessions did not pertain to impulse control or antisocial tendencies. Education about their rights, responsibilities, confidentiality, privacy, and autonomy in decision-making would be provided.


American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Adopted 2002 with Amendment 2010, Adopted 2016 With the 2016 Amendment. https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/ethics-code-2017.pdf

Ethical Psychology. (2012). Vignette 9: Psychologist as Character Witness. https://www.ethicalpsychology.com/2012/01/vignette-9-psychologist-as-character.html

Hale, K., & Briano, M. (2023). TOP FIVE ETHICAL DILEMMAS PRESENTED TO THE LACPA ETHICS COMMITTEE. https://www.lacpa.org/lacpafiveethicdilem#:~:text=By%20systematically%20coding%20and%20collating,protect%2C%20and%205)%20dangerousness%2C

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