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Posted: June 6th, 2024

Discussion Details GEN103: Information Literacy (GE12423C)

Discussion Details GEN103: Information Literacy (GE12423C)
• Education • Health Sciences • Behavioral Health Sciences • Business • General Studies
Week 1: Currency Scenario—Education

Mr. Nutter is a fifth-grade teacher who applied for a promotion in his school district. To prepare for the interview, the administrator asked Mr. Nutter to prepare a presentation on how to use technology as an effective teaching strategy. Mr. Nutter will give this presentation at a professional development session for teachers in the district.
To get started, Mr. Nutter knows that research questions are essential to a good search. Since research questions also create the end goal, he first creates a research question that asks:
• Can technology be used as a teaching strategy?
Then, he proceeds to identify the keyword “teaching strategy” to find an article in the library.
The following is the journal article Mr. Nutter selects:
Cooper, T. C. (1977). A strategy for teaching writing. The Modern Language Journal, 61(5/6), 251-256. ttps://doi.org/10.2307/325695
Week 1: Currency Scenario—Health Sciences
Ms. Jaina works at an assisted living facility and is applying for a management position. As part of the interview process, the board has asked Ms. Jaina to prepare a short report,

Discussion Details GEN103: Information Literacy (GE12423C)

• Do older people face special issues that younger people do not?
Then, she identifies the keywords “older people” and “younger people” to find an article in an online library.
The following is the journal article Ms. Jaina selects:
Solon, J. A., Amthor, R. P., Rabb, M. Y., & Shelley, J. C. (1977). .nking young and old institutionalized people. Public Health Reports, 92(1), 57-64.
Week 1: Currency Scenario—Behavioral Health Sciences
Zelda loves her position at the Community Health Services Center. However, she recently applied for a position and needs to prepare for the group interview. To prepare for the interview, she must select a topic and give a presentation to the interview panel. She will explore social media’s impact on mental health.
As Zelda prepares for the presentation, she knows that research questions are essential to a good search. Since research questions also create the ‘end goal’, she first creates a research question that asks: Whyis social media good for teen’s mental health?
She then identifies the keywords “mental health” to find an article in the library.
This is the journal article Zelda selected:
Novack, A. H., Bromet, E., Neill, T. K., Abramovitz, R. H., & Storch, S. (1975).1/4_1111u’ iliental health services in an inninr .04-1hrwhnnri Amariran Int trnal of Pt thlir Health


Discussion Details GEN103: Information Literacy (GE12423C)

Week 1: Currency Scenario—Business
Ms. Harper loves her position at the Bundle Light Corporation. However, she recently applied for a position in the marketing department and needs to prepare for the group interview. To prepare for the interview, she must select a topic and give a presentation to the interview panel. She has decided to focus on social media marketing strategies for the presentation.
As Ms. Harper prepares for the presentation, she knows that research questions are essential to a good search. Since research questions also create the end goal, she first creates a research question that asks:
• Can social media be used to market my company?
Then, she proceeds to identify the keyword “marketing” to find an article in the library.
The following is the journal article Ms. Harper selects:
Bartels, R. (1974). The identity crisis in marketing. Journal of Marketing, 38(4), 73-76. https://doi.org/10.2307/1250396
Week 1: Currency Scenario—General Studies
Aki plans to apply to a UAGC master’s program. He will need to give a presentation via Zoom to the entrance committee. However, he has not presented a speech in a long time and is not confident creating a PowerPoint presentation. To update his skills, Aki decides to create a practice presentation.
To get started, Aki knows that research questions are essential to a good search.

The Importance of Currency in Information Literacy

Information literacy is a critical skill in today’s fast-paced, information-rich world. It involves the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from various sources (Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016). One key aspect of information literacy is assessing the currency of sources. Currency refers to how up-to-date and timely the information in a source is (McConnell Library, 2021). This paper will explore the importance of considering currency when engaging in research and information seeking.

The Rapid Pace of Change
In many fields, information becomes outdated quickly due to the rapid pace of new discoveries, technological advancements, and societal changes. What was once considered factual can become obsolete or even proven false as new evidence emerges. For example, in the medical field, new research is constantly leading to updated treatment guidelines and protocols. A study on a medical topic from a decade ago may no longer reflect current best practices (Bornmann & Mutz, 2015). Similarly, in fields like technology and business, information from even a few years ago may be woefully out of date. Citing older sources can lead to inaccurate or incomplete understandings.

Credibility and Reliability
Using current sources enhances the credibility and reliability of one’s work. If a researcher cites predominantly older sources, it may cause the audience to doubt how well-informed and authoritative the author is on the topic (Angeli & Valanides, 2020). For students, using current sources is often an explicit requirement of assignments. Scholarly work is expected to engage with the most recent research and ideas in the field. Drawing upon older sources may result in a lower grade and feedback that the work is not sufficiently current (McConnell Library, 2021).

Best Practices for Determining Currency
To determine the currency of a source, one should first look at the date of publication. However, this is just a starting point. In some slowly-evolving fields, an older source may still be considered current. Additionally, seminal works of research are sometimes still cited many years later (Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016). Other factors to consider include whether the source has been updated or revised, whether it cites recent research, and whether the information seems consistent with other current sources on the topic. Consulting with a librarian or subject matter expert can provide further insight into what constitutes a current source in a particular field (Angeli & Valanides, 2020).

In conclusion, currency is a vital consideration when engaging in research and information seeking. The rapid pace of change means information can quickly become outdated, impacting the accuracy and credibility of one’s work. Best practices involve checking the publication date, looking for revisions and updates, assessing whether recent research is cited, comparing to other current sources, and consulting experts. By prioritizing current sources, individuals can develop stronger information literacy skills.

Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2020). Developing young children’s information literacy skills:
Towards a synthesis of research and practice. *Education and Information Technologies,
25*(5), 4231-4255. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10204-5
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2016). *Framework for information literacy for
higher education*. https://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework
Bornmann, L. & Mutz, R. (2015). Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis
based on the number of publications and cited references. *Journal of the Association for
Information Science and Technology, 66*(11), 2215-2222. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23329
McConnell Library. (2021, July 2). *How to apply the CRAAP test for evaluating sources*.
Radford University. https://libguides.radford.edu/evaluate/craap
Walter, K. (2019). *The information literacy framework: Case studies of successful
implementation*. Rowman & Littlefield.

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