Create a case-based presentation on a specific disease process from one of the units of study in the course. The focus of the presentation is the pathophysiology of the disease. The presentation should be 10-12 slides (or the equivalent is not using a PowerPoint or similar presentation application) The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus. Case Presentation […]
Discussion Details PSYCH MGMT II Health-Related Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, or Feeding/Eating Disorder After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, complete the following: In a well-written discussion post address the following: • Why are some cultural/ethnic groups disproportionately affected by obesity? • Identify your culture. Then, list three actions that can be taken to […]
Using “Sickle Cell Anemia” as the topic, please follow the instructions here: Functional Genomics Research Assignments: Genetics and the Pathophysiological Basis of Disease Welcome to the Functional Genomics Research Assignments. In this activity, you will explore the Physiology and Functional Genomics as it relates to human disease. Objectives: 1) Learn to use literature searches. 2) […]
Case Study: You are working in the emergency department when a 15-year-old female presents with obvious bruising of the face and upper extremities. She is crying and reports that her boyfriend punched her in the face and grabbed her by the arms last night during a fight they had. What are your priority actions? What […]
Please use the directions below and the attached rubric. I would like you to use either cervical cancer or colon cancer but please use whichever you feel most comfortable writing on. If you have any questions please reach out. MN505M1-1: Interpret epidemiologic data on morbidity and mortality related to acute and chronic disease states. Directions: […]
Select a patient with some health illness and complete the following document: Abdomen Renal Musculoskeletal Reproductive Submit the completed form on history, physical and health prevention/promotion for these areas. Highlight or star significant information. Give a summary of your findings. _______________________- Patient Name: PK Date: J History: Mr. John Doe, a 45-year-old male, presents with […]
What was the purpose for the initial role of the nurse practitioner, and does it differ from the role of the nurse practitioner in today’s healthcare system? _______________________ The initial purpose of the nurse practitioner (NP) role was to increase patients’ access to pediatric care. The NP role was created in the 1960s by Dr. […]
Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents, including how partial and inverse agonist functionality may impact the efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatments. The spectrum of action for psychopharmacologic agents can be categorized into agonists, antagonists, and partial agonists. Agonists bind to receptors, activate them, and produce a biological response. On the other hand, antagonists […]
For this assignment, I have provided two discussions from two different students in my class. I need two responses both 130-140 words to each student about their post for this week. I have provided the two students that i would like you to respond to in the attachment. The format is APA format and if […]
Define complementary and alternative medicine. Choose one example of complementary and alternative medicine. Describe the nurse practioner’s role in utilizing your chosen complementary and alternative medicine. Support your answer with evidence-based research. Expectations Length: A minimum of 280 words, not including references Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last […]