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CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Off the job Assessment Book
(Flexible Delivery)
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Off the job
Assessment Book
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A composite training and assessment resource

Support material for the

CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

© South Metropolitan TAFE

Version 4 June 2018
This resource book has been compiled by lecturing staff of Children’s Services at South Metropolitan TAFE.

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Off the job assessment due dates 6
Assessment 1:Working ethically 11
Assessment 2: Legal and ethical practices 17
Assessment 3: Responding to risk of harm 23
Assessment 1: Menu planning and meal preparation 35
Assessment 3: Responding to illness and accidents 45
Assessment 4: Short answer questions 57
Assessment 1: Cultural diversity 65
Assessment 2: Cultural safety 71
Assessment 1: Case Study, Scenarios and Questions 79
Assessment 1: Support positive behaviour 85
Assessment 1: Understanding learning frameworks 95
Assessment 1: Gather and document information 103
Assessment 2: Planning 2-3 years 113
Assessment 3: Scenario and questions 123
Assessment 1: Understanding play 129
Assessment 1: Goal setting 135
Assessment 1: Hazards and risk 145
Assessment 2: What a mess! 151

Submission of assessment receipts 159

Unit/Cluster Assessment Due Date Lecturer
Legal and ethical practices
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk Assessment 1: Working ethically
Assessment 2: Legal and ethical practices
Assessment 3: Respond to risk of harm
Health and Nutrition
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks Assessment 1: Menu planning and meal preparation
Assessment 3: Responding to illness and accidents
Assessment 4: Short answer questions

Cultural competence
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competency
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Assessment 1: Cultural diversity
Assessment 2: Cultural safety
Care and communication
CHCECE003 Provide care for children
CHCEE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children Assessment 1: Case Study, Scenarios and Questions
Babies and toddlers
CHCECE005 Provide care for babies and toddlers There are no off the job assessments for this unit
Support Behaviour
CHCECE006 Support behaviour of children and young people Assessment 1: Support positive behaviour
Learning Frameworks
CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice Assessment 1: Understanding learning frameworks
Child development
CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in early childhood
CHCECE013 Use information about children to inform practice Assessment 1: Gather and document information
Assessment 2: Planning 2-3 years
Assessment 3: Scenario and questions

CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning Assessment 1: Understanding play
CHCECE012 Support children to connect with their world There are no off the job assessments for this unit
Effective workplace participation
BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development Assessment 1: Goal setting
Workplace health and safety
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety Assessment 1: Hazards and risk
Assessment 2: What a mess!

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCLEG001: Work Legally and Ethically State code: AVB82
National Code & Title CHCPRT001: Identify and respond to children and young people at risk State code: WG802
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Working Ethically

Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at
• Education and Care Services National Law (WA) Act 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12929_homepage.html
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to read a scenario and answer questions related to the scenario.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Written Assessment 1 – Working Ethically
Task 1: This assessment requires you to read the following scenario and answer questions related to each part. The questions relate to responding to ethical dilemmas.

Question 1: Is there a conflict of interest in this Scenario Part 1? Please explain your answer.
Question 2: Is this a legal issue or an ethical issue? Please give a reason for your answer
Question 3: How could Jack have responded to the comments made by Kate in an ethical way?
Question 4: How has Kate breached her ethical responsibilities?

Question 5: Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how professional boundaries were not respected in the Scenario Part 2
Question 6: Who else’s rights are not being protected in the scenario?

Question 7: Who should Sarah discuss this dilemma with?

Question 8: What should Sarah say when she is discussing the dilemma?

The following questions relate to all three parts of the scenario.
Question 9: Identify the situation in the scenario when children’s rights were not being protected. Please refer to the articles in the United Nations convention on the Rights of the Child and identify which rights were not being protected.
Question 10: Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how the different values of Kate and Sarah contributed to this dilemma.
Question 11: What three workplace documents should guide Jake, Kate and Sarah in responding to this dilemma?
Question 12: Identify four statements from the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics that would help to reduce the risk of these situations happening again. Please include one statement from each of the following areas;
i) In relation to children I will:

ii) In relation to families I will:

iii) In relation to colleagues I will:

iv) In relation to the profession I will:

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCLEG001: Work Legally and Ethically State code: AVB82
National Code & Title CHCPRT001: Identify and respond to children and young people at risk State code: WG802
Assessment Tool Assessment 2 : Legal and ethical practices

Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at

• Education and Care Services National Law (WA) Act 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12929_homepage.html
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html
• National Quality Standards

Instructions to students This assessment has three tasks. Task 1 requires you to read two scenarios and answer the questions in relation to each. The scenarios relate to legal and ethical practices. Task 2 requires you to match industry terms and the correct definition. In Task 3 you will answer a series of short answer questions about the legal requirements of working in education and care services.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Written Assessment 2 – Work place ethical and legal practices
TASK 1: Read the following scenarios and answer questions related to each part.
Scenario 1
You are an educator and work with another educator called Elena. During one of your discussions with her the topic of the importance of 2-3 year old children requiring a sleep in the afternoon is raised. Elena believes that all children of that age should be made to lie down and have a rest and if needed patted by a staff member until they go to sleep. You believe that young children should have time for a rest or quiet activities. Elena explains that in her culture it is important that children have a sleep as they do not go to bed until late in the evening. At this stage the centre does not have a clear policy related to sleep time in the 2-3 year old room.
1. How would you respond to the beliefs that your co-worker has?
2. How could you raise this topic at the centre and get input from other educators?
3. What are 2 ways you could find out about suitable and appropriate practices that could be part of a centre policy and procedure regarding sleep time?
4. List 2 documents that you could refer to when finding out about appropriate sleep time practices.
5. Describe two ways you could you share this with other educators in the centre.
Scenario 2
You have recently been employed as a part time educator (Certificate III) at a local Early Learning Centre in the infants’ room (0-12 month old children). You have been given a staff handbook which includes a list of duties as part of your job role and states that you must have another senior educator to assist you when the room leader goes on her lunch break. This has worked well as many of the young babies have different sleeping patterns and routines.
Last Friday the senior educator told you that she won’t be in to support you this week as she is needed in the other rooms which are busy during lunch time as well.
As the week has progressed you are starting to feel overwhelmed and often tyring to juggle up to 4-5 different infant’s needs for sleep, meals and nappy changing. Other educators have told you that the senior educator doesn’t want to come to the 0-12 month old room to assist as she prefers being with the older children. You are upset and unhappy and feel that you are not being support to provide quality care to the children during the lunch period.
6. What document would you refer to clarify your list of duties and responsibilities?
7. List 4 risks to yourself and/or the babies if you are not supported in the infants’ room during the room leader’s lunch break.
8. Who would you discuss this situation with?
9. What standards or frameworks would you refer to when having this discussion?
10. What organisation or agency could you contact to discuss your working conditions if you require further advice?

TASK 2: Match the key phrases with the correct definitions by drawing a line between the term(s) and the correct definition.

Dignity of risk A milestone document in the history of human rights
Informed consent The relations between management and workers in industry
Codes of practice An employee’s right to workplace terms and conditions that are fair and non-discriminatory
Human Rights A moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others
Universal declaration of human rights The connection between a person’s basic needs such as safety and the right to autonomy such as having the right to choose their own actions.
Duty of Care A person’s right to experience all that life has to offer, such as learning a new skill or taking part in an activity that may entail some element of risk
Industrial relations A right that is believed to belong to every person such as the right to independence
Employment conditions Advised or provided with information about possible risks and benefits of a procedure or course of action
Relationship between human needs and human rights A practical guide for people or organisations related to general or specific duties such as WHS

TASK 3: Please record your answers to the following short answer questions.
1. A child in your care has had an accident and you have not completed an incident report when the child’s parents arrive. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain what you will do and how you will accept responsibility for your actions.

2. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how you would maintain confidentiality and the rights of families/children, when you are working as an Educator in a service.

3. Provide at least 2 examples of when you would seek the agreement of the client (parent/family or child) prior to providing services.

4a. Which Western Australian department would you refer to for information about Mandatory Reporting related to children at risk?

b. What professionals are mandated to report sexual abuse in Western Australia?

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCLEG001: Work Legally and Ethically State code: AVB82
National Code & Title CHCPRT001: Identify and respond to children & young people at risk State code: WG802
Assessment Tool Assessment 3 : Respond to risk of harm

Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at
• Education and Care Services National Law (WA) Act 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12929_homepage.html
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
• Identifying and responding to child abuse and neglect https://www.dcp.wa.gov.au/ChildProtection/Documents/IdentifyingAndRespondingToChildAbuseAndNeglect.pdf

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to respond to scenarios about your legal and ethical responsibilities in responding to children at risk. Task 1 relates to the risk of harm happening outside the service and ask 2 relates to the risk of harm occurring at the service. You will be required to complete a template recording your concerns where a child is at risk, which is included in this assessment
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Please read each task below and complete the related questions.
The protection of children is the responsibility of all members of the community. Education and care services are in a unique position to support the protection of young children. Abuse can occur for many reasons; many of which are related to family stress and the parents’ ability to cope or access support networks.
Task 1:
Scenario – Chloe
Chloe is 4 years old has been attending your service 3 days a week for the past 12 months. Chloe lives with her parents Ben and Louise and has a new baby brother (Josh) who is 10 weeks old. Chloe enjoys coming to the service and was very excited about the news she was going to be a big sister and be able to help out mum. Throughout Louise’s pregnancy she had been talking to Chloe about being a big helper because Ben worked on the mines on a two week on/ two week off roster. Louise was looking to Chloe to help her with a new baby arriving.
For the last month or so you have noticed that Chloe is not herself. She was always happy and would love to chatter about what was happening for her and often the children would all want to play with Chloe.
Over the last three weeks Chloe hasn’t mentioned Josh and in fact has become very withdrawn towards you and the children. Chloe gets upset quite easily and doesn’t want any of the other children to play with her. She yells at them or hits them if they come near her.
When Louise comes to pick Chloe up at the end of the day she doesn’t seem herself. She was looking very pale, like she hadn’t slept for days (you put it down to the new baby) and seems quite distant. You try to talk to her about Chloe’s change in behaviour but she ignores this and tells Chloe to hurry up as dad is waiting for them at home.
You record regular observations on Chloe and notice continued changes in her behaviour.
On a very hot day you decide to have some fun outside under the sprinklers. The children are very keen and start to strip off their clothes to put their bathers on. As Chloe starts to change you notice a number of bruises (approx. 5cm in diameter) down her back. You ask Chloe what the bruises are but she just shrugs her shoulders and runs outside to join in with the sprinkler fun.
At the end of the day Chloe’s dad Ben comes to pick her up. You weren’t expecting him as he is usually away. You say to Ben ‘I didn’t expect to see you here today!’ but he does not respond. You decided to tell Ben about the bruises you noticed. He became annoyed and said “Chloe is jealous of the baby so she throws herself on the ground for attention” and he leaves.
The following week you are playing with Chloe in the home corner. You ask Chloe if she wants to be the mum and her reply is “no”! You ask why and she says “because the daddy hurts the mummy”. You ask her why she thinks that and she says “Daddy gets mad with mummy and hits her and makes mummy cry”. You ask “isn’t daddy away working?” and she replies “Daddy doesn’t work on the mine anymore, he stays home every day with mummy and Josh”. Chloe then tells you that daddy gets mad with her as well and hits her on her back very hard. He also pulls her by the arm into her room and tells her not to come out and this scares her.
Adapted from Keall, J. (2005). CHCCHILD1C Identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm learning guide TAFEWA Central

Please record your answers to the following questions
1. What are the factors or circumstances that may be contributing to Chloe being at risk of harm?
2. Using the table below identify the physical indicators and behavioural indicators of possible abuse that Chloe is demonstrating.

ABUSE TYPES Physical indicators Behavioural indicators

Physical abuse

Emotional/Psychological abuse

List four possible long term consequences:




Comments or behaviours demonstrated by Ben and Louise that may indicate abuse:

3. What would be the trigger for you to report your concerns?
4. Who would you take your concerns to first?
5. What are the contact details for the Department for Child Protection and Family Support?
6. The Department has asked you to provide documented information and anecdotal observations on Chloe. Please complete the template included in this assessment.
7. What is your obligation regarding confidentiality?
8. Describe how you will respond (what you will say, how will you follow up) to Chloe’s disclosure in the home corner.
9. Identify three nurturing practices you could use during the day to support Chloe’s emotional well-being.
10. Using the Code of Ethics, identify two statements that will guide you in your work with Chloe’s family. For each statement list two strategies that you can implement. The table below may assist you.
Statement from the Code of Ethics
Strategies to implement the service
1. 1.


2. 1.


Child’s name:_________________________________________________

Child’s age:__________________________________________________

Background information

Anecdotal observation 1

Educator name:________________________________________________

Anecdotal observation 2
Educator name:________________________________________________

Record any information provided by parents

What will the co-ordinator do with this information now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 2: Responding to risk of harm occurring at the service
Please read the following three scenarios and record your answers to the questions that follow.
Scenario 1 – Samantha
Samantha is a Certificate III level educator, and has been working at Beetles child care centre for the past three months. She works in the kindy room with Amy, the room leader. Samantha was very excited about getting this job and looking forward to learning a lot from Amy, who is a very experienced educator.
Although things started out well, over the past few weeks Samantha has found it more and more difficult to work with Amy. She is concerned about the way Amy is interacting with the children, often in an abrupt and hostile way. The children look scared when Amy approaches them. She seems to be particularly hard on one young boy, Josh. Two days ago Samantha saw Amy holding Josh on his shoulders, shaking him quite violently and calling him ‘stupid’.
Please record your answers to the following questions
1. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how Amy is breaching her legal requirements.
2. List one regulation that Amy has breached, including the number and title of the regulation.
3. List one article in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that Amy has breached. Write the number and the article.
4. Who should Samantha discuss her concerns with?
5. What should Samantha say during this discussion?
6. What legal responsibility does the co-ordinator have in responding to Samantha’s concerns?
7. What documents will guide the co-ordinator as she responds to Samantha’s concerns?

Scenario 2 – Karen
You see a situation where another educator, Karen, is roughly handling a child by pulling their arm to move them over to the meal area. You start to notice that this staff member is doing it regularly whenever she needs to move the children to different groups or settings such as outside. Often she is trying to move the children in a hurry and those that are not keeping up are being pulled along by their arms or pushed forward with her hand on their back.
1. Is this staff member engaging in abusive behaviour? (explain your answer)
2. Do you consider that this is a situation that should be documented? (explain your answer)
3. What is one strategy that you could discuss with you supervisor that might provide support Karen?

Scenario 3 – Sleep time
At sleep time the 2-3 year old children are often tired. Most children go sleep after being patted however two children take longer to sleep and roll around on their mattress which the educators find frustrating. When educators sit patting these two children they put their legs over the child to stop them moving until they go to sleep.
1. Are the educators engaging in child focused work practices? Please explain your answer.
2. What industry frameworks or standards could you refer to that will help to develop suitable procedures for sleep time?
3. Who would you discuss your concerns with about the educators behaviours at sleep time?

CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drink

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date.
Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks State code: WG748
Assessment Tool Assessment 1: Menu planning & meal preparation

Resources required • Guide to the National Quality Standard
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 https://www.slp.wa.gov.au/pco/prod/filestore.nsf/FileURL/mrdoc_37183.pdf/$FILE/Education%20and%20Care%20Services%20National%20Regulations%202012%20-%20%5B01-f0-00%5D.pdf?OpenElement
• UN Convention of the Rights of the Child https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/unicef.org/southafrica/SAF_resources_crcchildfriendly.pdf
• Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics
• Eat for health; https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/guidelines/australian-guide-healthy-eating
• Eat for health; https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/food-essentials/how-much-do-we-need-each-day/recommended-number-serves-children-adolescent

Resources required • Recommendations for healthy eating – Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, including Get Up and Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood resources;
https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/phd-early-childhood- nutrition-resources
• Department of Health WA; http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/S_T/Tooth-decay-and-gum-disease
• All ingredients needed for the meal/snack (including information from food labels identifying ingredients & nutrition content) provided by lecturer
• Kitchen equipment you will need to carry out the experience (provided by lecturer) , fridge, frypan, microwave oven
• Hand washing facilities including sink, detergent, paper towels (provided by lecturer)
• Cleaning equipment including clothes, detergents, brooms, mops, dustpans, bins (provided by lecturer)
• Aprons, Hats, table setting choices- provided by the student

Instructions to students This assessment is in 3 tasks. Task 1 requires you to answer some questions in relation to nutrition. Task 2 requires you to plan a menu for fictitious Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre and answer some questions about menu planning.
Task 3 requires you to work in groups of 2 or 3 (lecturer will specify) to plan and prepare a meal or snack from a menu plan. You will prepare the dish in the simulated kitchen on campus, and serve it in class.
If you are preparing this dish in your workplace, you will need to consult with the centre cook and any other necessary staff.
Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student
PART 1; Questions-

PART 2: Menu Planning-

PART 3; Plan, prepare and serve a meal chosen from your planned menu

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student
PART 1; Questions-

PART 2: Menu Planning-

PART 3; Plan, prepare and serve a meal chosen from your planned menu

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Task 1: Questions
Access the Australian Dietary guidelines-
1 A) List the 5 guidelines

B) List two ways that YOU could provide education and support to families around these recommendations and healthy eating in general.
1.________________________________________________________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Research and record the contents of three (3) food labels of food products that would usually be used in an education and care service e.g. pasta, tuna, rice crackers provide a short report about the positive and/or negative ingredients and food nutrition information provided on the packaging of the food product.
Food product and name Healthy ingredients Unhealthy ingredients Nutrition information

3. Identify which Education and Care Services National Regulations and which Quality Area from the National Quality Standard, apply to food and hygiene practices, and the preparation and storage of foods
 Regulation/s________________________________________________________________________________
 Quality Area________________________________________________________________________________

4. List one statement from the Code of Ethics that relates to promoting children’s healthy eating and cultural home mealtime practices

5. List one article from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child that relates to promoting children’s healthy eating and culture home mealtime practice.

6. Homework help – Discuss the impact of poor nutrition on children including: deficiencies concentration out of character behaviour.
Impact of poor nutrition How does it affect children – please give an example
Nutritional deficiencies
Out of character behaviour

7. According to Department of Health- Healthy WA, there are 2 main dental diseases. Identify each disease including the symptoms and how it occurs.

Dental disease Symptoms How it occurs

8. Homework help – Discuss how children’s oral health impacts on their general health and well-being.

Task 2 Menu Planning
Before planning a menu, it is important to ensure that the recommended serving sizes for toddlers and pre-schoolers set out by: Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Recommended number of serves for children, Adolescents and toddlers used as a guide to ensure that a variety of foods are offered, and the correct dietary requirements are provided for the children in an education and care service.
Step 1: Using these guidelines, amend Week 1 Menu for the Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre below, in order to ensure that it is nutritionally balanced and meets the children’ daily requirement’s. You must consider children’s preferences, cultural and religious requirements. The children are;
Sarah & Ruth -Twins attend full time and are vegetarian
Ibrahim- Attends Tuesday is a child who is a Muslim.
Stephen – Attends fulltime- Severely allergic to egg
Elijah -Attends Wednesday and Thursday and is gluten intolerant
Thomas – Attends Monday and Friday and is lactose intolerant
Step 2: Create a Week 2 Menu for the Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre taking into consideration the children’s individual dietary requirements. Place the children’s symbols onto your menu items, to ensure that you have considered their individual needs and requirements. You must also introduce two meals or snacks that reflect two different cultures.
Step 3: Please answer the following questions.
9. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain HOW and WHERE you would display your menu

10. Who could be considered in developing a cycle of menus?

11. List 3 ways that you could involve children in the menu planning process.

Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre
Morning tea White Toast with jam, nutella, vegemite, and peanut paste Warm milk porridge with sultanas and apple pieces Fruit salad & yogurt Assorted cereals, Co co pops, Fruit loops & Rice Bubbles
Stewed Plums & Stewed apple topping Baked bean & cheese toasties
& banana, pineapple fritters
Drink chocolate flavoured milk 100 Organic Apple or 100 Organic Orange Juice
Water or milk Warmed Milo Quick strawberry milk 100 Organic Apple Juice

Lasagne, peas & broccoli
Tiger bread and garlic butter Pork curry, rice, pappadums cucumber, tomato, eggplant, salad Tempura Chicken & vegetable stir fry & Rice
Sweet potato and chickpea patties, hamburger rolls, sweet chili/tomato sauce Greek salad Fish fingers, deep fried chips & green salad
Drink 100 Organic Apple Juice
Water or milk Warmed Milo Water or milk Banana flavoured milk shake

Afternoon tea

Banana & Pineapple /cake
Sliced watermelon, strawberries & grapes Fresh fruit skewers & Yogurt Cheese, bacon, corn pikelets, buttered with cream cheese.
Sliced rockmelon, pear prunes
Jam roll and warm custard
Fresh fruit platter Cheese, rice crackers, celery, carrot, capsicum sticks, sultanas and wholemeal bread and avocado spread
Strawberries, blueberries & mulberries
Drink Water or milk Water or milk 100 Organic Orange & Mango Juice Banana smoothie Water or milk

Sarah & Ruth -Twins attend full time and are vegetarian
Ibrahim- Attends Tuesday is a child who is a Muslim.
Stephen – Attends fulltime- Severely allergic to egg WEEK 2 MENU Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre
Elijah -Attends Wednesday and Thursday and is gluten intolerant
Thomas – Attends Monday and Friday and is lactose intolerant

Morning tea

Afternoon tea


Task 3 Plan, Prepare & Serve
Your lecturer will divide you into groups of 2 or 3. You will choose one meal or snack from a menu that meets the children’s nutritional needs as per the Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia.
Your group will first need to plan what meal/snack you will all prepare. A week before the scheduled assessment, your group will need to give your Lecturer a list of all the ingredients needed to prepare the meal/snack you have planned.
You will all need to demonstrate appropriate hygiene and food handling practices during the preparation and storage, as well as create an inviting, positive and relaxed environment for during the meal time.
The assessor will be assessing your use of safe handling and storage of all food equipment and food items. Please ensure you bring the attached checklist when you are preparing your meal/snack.
*If you are completing this assessment in your workplace, you will need to collaborate with the cook and any other necessary staff members, as well as letting your lecturer know when you will be implementing this meal/snack.
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
Task 3: Plan Prepare & Serve Checklist

Student name
Group members name
Meal/snack name
Did the student:
Identified possible allergies/food intolerance’s/dietary/cultural and religious requirements that must be considered when preparing your meal/snack YES/NO
Wear appropriate personal protective clothing when preparing food YES/NO
Present foods that offer a variety of tastes, textures and colours YES/NO
Create an area that encourages a positive, relaxed environment during the meal time YES/NO
Assist in developing and maintaining food safety procedures to relevant guidelines YES/NO
Carry out food handling, preparation and storage according to regulatory requirements YES/NO
Follow food safety handling procedures when preparing food YES/NO

Checklist ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date.
Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children State code: WG746
Assessment Tool Assessment 3: Responding to illness and accidents

Resources required • National Health & Medical Research Council- 5th Edition Staying Healthy Preventing infectious diseases- https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/ch55_staying_healthy_5th_edition_150602.pdf
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://www.slp.wa.gov.au/pco/prod/filestore.nsf/FileURL/mrdoc_37183.pdf/$FILE/Education%20and%20Care%20Services%20National%20Regulations%202012%20-%20%5B01-f0-00%5D.pdf?OpenElement
• Hand washing facilities including sink, detergent, paper towels
• Medicine cups, syringes and thermometers
• Placebo medications to administer orally, topically, via nose, ears and eyes
• Incident, injury, trauma and illness record, and medication record (included in this assessment)

Instructions to students This assessment is in two parts. In Part 1 requires you to read a scenario and answer questions about responding to an unwell child, including the completion of an Incident, injury, trauma and illness record a scenario, Part 2 requires you to role model the correct procedure for assisting your team leader when administering medication, including the completion of a Medication Record. This will be completed in a compulsory tutorial arranged by your lecturer. Please complete Part 1 prior to the tutorial and bring it to submit. A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Read the following scenario and answer the following questions

Hope Collins is 2 years old and in your toddler’s room. She has been attending your service since she was three months old. She is generally an outgoing child, enjoys playing with the other children, especially outside in the garden with Jack and Bianca.
On this particular day Hope’s mum, Tahlia, drops her off as usual, mentioning that she may be a little later in collecting her, as she has an important meeting to attend that afternoon. During morning tea, you notice Hope appears quite, lethargic, is teary, only had a small portion of her cereal in her mouth (her favorite) which she let fall out, into the bowl and then cried. You also notice she is dribbling a lot, which is unusual for her. Jack and Bianca were asking her to play with them outside, pulling on her hand, but she was not interested, pushed them away and started to cry. Jack is very upset at Hope and look to you with a questioning face, Bianca said “she pushed me” quite crossly! You go to pick her up and notice that she is hot to touch on her body and forehead. You offer her favorite sipper cup with water which she normally loves, but she pushes it away and clings to you, crying.
a) List 6 signs and symptoms that indicate Hope is ill.
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) List 6 actions would you take to support Hope and make her comfortable.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c) What steps would you take to ensure the other children and staff are not exposed to any illness, and minimize the risk of infection?
d) What could you say to Jack and Bianca to help them;
 Understand Hope’s behavior
 Develop their awareness of being safe
 Maintain correct hygiene procedures

Now read on…
An hour passes and you notice that Hope has small blisters on her hands and it appears that there are some inside her mouth. Her face is flushed and her temperature is starting to rise.
e) How will you ensure Hope and the other children are well supervised and maintain the correct educator-to-child ratios?
f) What signs would prompt you to recommend that Hope’s family seek medical advice/assistance for Hope?
g) Describe the cleaning procedures that need to be followed once Hope is collected from the centre, including the safe storage of cleaning resources. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
h) Complete the attached ACECQA Incident, injury, trauma and illness record to be given to Liz for Tahlia when she picks up Hope. (See appendix A)

The doctor confirms that Hope has Hand Foot and Mouth disease.
i) How could you alert families about this disease, whilst maintaining Hope’s privacy?

PART 2 – Assist in the administration of medication role play
In pairs you will demonstrate the correct procedure for administration of medication. Each person will have a turn at administering the medication, and then being the witness. You will be assessed when you undertake the role of witness.
During the roleplay you must adhere to the Medication Policy (Appendix A) and complete the Medication Record (Appendix C).
Hope has been absent for the week and all her sores are dried and most have disappeared. Tahlia explained that during her absence from the centre, Hope contracted a chest infection and has been on antibiotics which she needs to have continued whilst in your care.
Her doctor has prescribed 4 ml of Amoxicillin to be given before meals four times a day for 5 days. This is her fourth day of medication. Her last dose was given at home at 7.30 am. Tahlia asks that Hope be given her next dose at 11:30am. Tahlia said she will be early to collect Hope at 1:30pm.
1) Read the attached ‘Medication Policy’ (Appendix A)
2) Using the checklist provided, role model the correct procedure for assisting your team leader when administering medication.
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children
Witnessing of administration of medication checklist
Student name:
Did the student Yes No
Wash hands using correct technique
Witness Medication authority form has been completed by parent/guardian and Team leader
Witness the name of medication matches form
Witness the use-by date and medication is stored in original container
Witness the dosage and method
Witness the time to be administered
Witness the administration of medication to child
Wash hands using correct technique
Complete witness section of the medication authority form
Oral questioning- where would medication be stored according to organizational requirements?
Students Answer:


3) Fill in a Medication Record that contains all of the relevant information required (APPENDIX C)
Checklist ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Precious Cargo Early Learning Centre
Medication Policy (Appendix A)
Policy Objective:
To ensure effective care and health management of children who require medication by the safe administration of medication in compliance with the regulation.
It is important that if a child needs medication, they receive it promptly and in a hygienic manner. When children spend time in child care or other facilities they are exposed to a large number of children, increasing the opportunity for the spread of infectious diseases. This policy aims to ensure the safe storage and administration of medication to children, and that it is documented accordingly.
Relevant Legislation:
• Education and Care Services National Regulations, 2012
• Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 (WA)
• Public Health Act 2016 (WA)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 (WA)
Sunscreen is excluded from this policy.
Refer to the Anaphylaxis Policy and the Asthma Policy for emergency administration of medication.
Strategies and practices
1. On arrival at the centre, the centres Medication Form must be completed by a parent or guardian. All relevant details of the medication must be indicated on the form, and this must be confirmed by a staff member who will co-sign the form to accept the mediation.
2. A laminated red cross will be placed onto the ‘sign in’ book indicating to staff that medication is required to be administered that day. A staff member in the room will also wear a wrist band to serve as a reminder.
3. Any medication supplied must be in the container in which it was dispensed and clearly show-
i. Child’s name
ii. Name of medication
iii. Administering instructions
iv. Date of dispensing / expiry
4. Medication will not be administered if it does not meet the above criteria, however, over the counter or herbal medication will not be given.
5. All medications are to be stored in the medication in locked box in the cupboard or in the locked box in the kitchen fridge.
Under no circumstances is the medication to be left in the child’s bag
6. Staff administering the medication must hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate. Two staff members each check the medication at the time of administration for the ‘five rights’, then complete the parents signed and completed Medication record, with all details, then signing the name of each staff member implementing (Room leader)and witnessing (Assistant room leader) this procedure.

i. Right Medication
ii. Right time
iii. Right manner (external, internal, ear nose etc)
iv. Right amount (measuring spoon, cup or syringe)
v. Right child
Room leader: Any medication will be administered to a child by ONLY the Room leader who holds a Diploma qualification or higher. (In the case of 3- 5 room under 10 children total, the Co-ordinator will be called to administer medication) they will complete all of steps in Qu 6 (i.- v.) in close collaboration with the Assistant room leader.
Assistant room leader: In close collaboration with the room leader, all steps outlined in Qu 6 (i.- v.) will be checked for accuracy by the Assistant room leader, then signed and dated confirming its accuracy.
Parents will be asked it indicate their consent or otherwise to the administration of liquid paracetamol to their child, at the time of enrolment and then update it every twelve months.
7. If a child has a temperature of greater than 38C, staff will refer to the Temperature Management Policy.
8. In the case of creams and gels, administration will be at the discretion of the Nominated Supervisor or with a dated letter from an appropriate medical professional. The parent will be asked to indicate their consent to the administration of the cream or gel, by completing a Non Prescription Authorisation. The cream or gel will only be administered if it has been applied previously by the parent and the child has not experiences any adverse reaction.
9. When a child is starting a course of antibiotics, they are not to attend the centre for the first 24 hours of the course. It is preferred that they also stay away for a further 24 hours (48 hours in total). Exceptions will be considered at the discretion of the Nominated Supervisor e.g. for repeat courses.
10. All information regarding children’s allergies and the appropriate action to be taken must be recorded on each child’s Enrolment Form. All staff are to be informed of children’s allergies and an allergy chart is to be displayed in each room.
11. Children on long term medications must have a letter from their doctor stating the reasons for the medication and the appropriate dosages. An updated letter is required every four months if the centre staff are to continue giving the medication. In addition a Medication record supplied by the centre must be filled out by the parent each week. The centre must be notified of any changes.
12. On arrival, parents are requested to indicate whether they have given their child any medication in the last 24 hours.

Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
(Circle relevant type of record)
Child details
Surname: ………………………………………………… Given names: ………………………………………………………
Date of birth: ……../……../…….. Age: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Room/group: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Incident/injury/trauma/illness details
Circumstances leading to the incident/injury/trauma: ………………………………………………………………….
Products or structures involved: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Location: ……………………………………………… Time: …………….. am/pm Date: ……../……../……..

Name of witness: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………. Date: ……../……../……..

Nature of injury sustained:

Abrasion, scrape
 Bite
 Broken bone / fracture
 Bruise
 Burn
 Concussion
 Cut
 Rash
 Sprain
 Swelling
 Other (please specify)

Circumstances surrounding child becoming ill, including apparent symptoms: ……………………………….
Time of illness: ……………….. am/pm Date of illness: ……../……../……..
Action Taken
Details of action taken, including first aid administration of medication: ………………………………………..
Medical personnel contacted: Yes / No
If yes, provide details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Details of person completing this record
Name: ……………………………………………… Signature: ………………………………………………………………….
Time record was made: ………………………………… am/pm Date record was made ……../……../……..

Notifications (including attempted notifications)
Parent/guardian: ……………………………………….. Time: ……………….. am/pm Date: ……../……../……..
Director/teacher/coordinator: …………………….. Time: ……………….. am/pm Date: ……../……../……..
Regulatory authority (if applicable): …………….. Time: ……………….. am/pm Date: ……../……../……..

Parental acknowledgement:
(name of parent/guardian)
have been notified of my child’s incident/injury/trauma/illness.
(Please circle)

Signature: …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……../……../……..

Medication Record
To be completed by the parent/guardian To be completed by the educator when administered
Name of medication Last administered To be administered (or circumstances to be administered)

Dosage to be administered Method of administration Signature of parent/Guardian Medication administered Dosage Administration Method of administration Name of educator administering Signature of educator administering Name of witness Signature of witness
Time Date Time Date Time Date

7:30 am 11.30 am 4 mls By Mouth Mrs Noshortcuts

Childs name: Hope Collins Date of birth: …………………………………………………………………………………….. ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION CHECKLIST

Assessment Coversheet

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date.
Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children State code: WG748
Assessment Tool Assessment 4 : Short answer questions

Resources required • Kidsafe W.A. https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/kidsafewa.com.au/fact-sheets-at-home
• Actual or photos of broken/dangerous toys-Provided by lecturer

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to answer a series of short answer questions related to health and safety.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

1. Under the National Quality Standard you have a responsibility to identify hazards and minimise risk to others. The lecturer will provide three toys (or photos of toys) that would provide a risk to children if used in the education and care environment. You will inspect the toys/photos and determine the level of risk and record your results on the table provided. A Risk Assessment chart and Hierarchy of Controls chart is included to assist you.
What is the toy/hazard Level of risk
(refer to the Risk Assessment chart) Risk control strategy & Residual risk
(refer to the Hierarchy of Control)
Name of toy:

What is wrong?

Type of hazard(category)



Rating ______________________
Level of controls ________________________

Control used __________________________

Residual Risk:__________________________

Name of toy:

What is wrong?

Type of hazard(category)



Rating ____________________
Level of controls ________________________

Control used _________________________

Residual Risk:_________________________

Name of toy:

What is wrong?

Type of hazard(category)



Rating ____________________

Level of controls ________________________

Control used ___________________________

Residual Risk:__________________________

Risk Assessment Chart

Hierarchy of Controls Chart

2. Access the KidsafeWA website to identify aspects associated with safety.
• Click on tab ‘Parents, Resources’-
• Click on tab ‘Home Safety Resources’
• Click on tab ‘See our home safety resources’
• Click on tab ‘Fact Sheets’
• Click on tab ‘Burns & Scaulds- Fact sheet’

a) Read the fact sheet ‘House Fires’ and list 2 high risk groups identified
 ________________________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________________________

b) What are the most common reasons for house fires that contribute to fire injury and fatalities?

c) According to the Prevention Priorities, list the Surviving Fires recommendations

CHCECE001 Develop cultural competency
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code J594
Assessment Coversheet

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence State code: WG745
National Code & Title CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety State code: AVC08
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Cultural Diversity
Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au
• Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• Equal opportunity commission of WA- www.eoc@eoc.wa.gov.au
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child- www.unicef.org.au

Instructions to students This assessment is in two parts. Part A requires you to reflect on your own understanding of culture and to research some broad concepts about culture and diversity. Part B requires you to read a scenario and answer questions. Please record your answers on a separate piece of paper.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment may be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment Tool 1: Cultural Diversity
Part A: Reflecting on cultural perspectives
Write your answers to the following questions:
1. Identify which cultures have influenced you in your life.
2. Reflect on how have these culture/s have influenced you in particular the following points:
• your values, beliefs and attitudes
• significant events in own family background or history which may influence you
• aspects of the environment/community in which you have lived
3. Identify three ways to further develop your cultural competency and social awareness.
4. Why is it important for educators to demonstrate respect for other cultures?
5. Where would you access information about equal opportunity and the laws relating to it in Western Australia?
6. List one element from the National Quality Standard that relates to cultural diversity and inclusion.
7. List one article from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which relates to cultural diversity and inclusion
Part B: Pizza Predicament- Please read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow
It was afternoon tea time in the 3- 5 years room. The children were enjoying home-made vegetarian or Hawaiian pizza, with ham, cheese and pineapple.
When the educator, Samantha, offered a ham, cheese and pineapple pizza to Azazi, the child pushed the plate away and said “No loud, yucky please”.
“It’s not yucky Azazi, eat it up while it’s hot” replied Samantha impatiently pushing the plate back towards Azazi. The child shook her head and began to get upset saying “No loud, no loud” and pointed to her pizza. Samantha asked another educator “What is she saying? I can’t understand her, can you?” The educator shrugged her shoulders and said “I don’t understand her either. I thought all kids liked Hawaiian pizza!”
Suddenly Samantha remembered that Azazi was from a Muslim family, and began to carefully remove the ham as she said “Oops! Sorry Azazi you’re a Muslim, so you can’t have ham”. Once the ham was gone Azazi took a large bite of her pizza and smiled and nodded her head as she ate.
Hope, the room leader, saw Samantha remove the ham and give the pizza to Azazi. She was upset and said to Samantha. “You are so unaware of other people’s culture and beliefs! You are going to have to tell Azazi’s family about this now!!”
Samantha could not understand why Hope was so upset. She replied “But I removed the ham!” and then added “I can’t talk to them anyway because I can’t speak their language!”
1. Identify the significant issues in this scenario?
2. What would be a more appropriate way for Samantha to respond to Azazi’s communication?
3. What steps should Hope take to resolve the issue with Samantha?
4. What steps should Samantha take to resolve the issue with Azazi’s family?
5. List 3 Australian support agencies or websites Samantha could access to help her learn more about working with Muslim families. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain why you chose each agency or website.
6. List two Local interpreter services available to assist Samantha to communicate with families who have English as a second language.
7. Educators have a very significant role to play in supporting children and families from culturally diverse backgrounds. List 2 ways you could find out about the cultural identities of the children and their families within the service.
8. How would you gather information about:
a) What’s going on in the community and local cultural groups
b) The values/beliefs of families who you work with
c) The interests and needs of the children
9. How would you ensure you maintained confidentiality in a culturally sensitive way when you receive information about the families and their children?

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence State code: WG745
National Code & Title CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety State code: AVC08
Assessment Tool Assessment Tool 2 : Project Cultural Safety
Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au
• Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to research aspects of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander history and culture, and answer a series of questions for Part A. Part B requires you to read a case study and answer questions about that case study.
cultural safety strategies
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment may be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment Tool 2: Project- Cultural Safety
Part A: History
The history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people and communities in Australia has, until quite recently gone largely unreported and has often been portrayed in a biased, prejudiced manner. As educators we need to have respect for and understand the cultural backgrounds and history of children and families and how this continues to impact upon them.
1. Research the three historical issues below and answer the questions that follow for each issue.
• Invasion/Colonisation
• Stolen Generation
• White Australia Policy
a) Give an overview of the issue
b) What was the impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people at the time?
c) How does this issue impact on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people today?

2. Define the following terms
• Cultural awareness
• Cultural competence

3. List three barriers for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families trying to access education and care for their children.
4. What are some factors which contribute to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ill health?
5. List four common diseases experiences by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people today.
6. Many Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people have experienced trauma. Give an example of how this may impact on their ability to:
• Make decisions about their well-being or that of their family
• Communicate with others
• Understand/problem solve
• Retain information
7. Give two examples of the diversity that exists within Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture.
8. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the importance of ‘law’ in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture.
9. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the importance of ‘kinship’ in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander culture.

Part B: Case Study- Read the case study below and answer the questions
Jacinta is an early childhood educator at a centre in a small town in regional WA. The population of the town is quite diverse, with people from many different cultural and linguistic backgrounds there is a large community of Indians Jacinta has noticed that although there are a number of Aboriginal families with young children in the town, none of them utilised the child care centre. She would often see groups of children with their families playing down at the local park. She asked the co-ordinator why this might be happening and the co-ordinator replied, “I don’t really know. We advertise our centre in the local paper and we’ve put flyers up at the shopping centre. During NAIDOC week we put a poster of a corroboree on the front door and invited people in the community to attend and do a dot painting activity but only one mum came along. They seem to prefer being at the park. There is a lot of unemployment in this town so most of the families probably couldn’t afford to pay the fees anyway”.
Jacinta noticed that many of the resources in the centre were quite old, and mainly reflected ‘white’ culture and were only written in English.

1. Why might Aboriginal families not be using the centre?
2. What would be a more effective way to inform families about the centre?
3. How has the co-ordinator used a tokenistic approach?
Now read on…
Jacinta is concerned about the situation and would like to encourage more local Aboriginal families to be involved with the centre. She is not sure what to do so she speaks with her friend Nikita, an Aboriginal health worker at the local hospital. Nikita knows many of the families who go to the park, and has offered to introduce Jacinta to Aunty Beryl, an elder in the community.

4. Why is it important for Nikita to introduce Jacinta to Aunty Beryl, rather than Jacinta going to the park on her own?
5. What strategies will Jacinta use to communicate with Aunty Beryl in a respectful way?
6. What will Jacinta say to Aunty Beryl at their first meeting?
Although she was very nervous, Jacinta was delighted to meet Aunty Beryl, who seemed to know everyone in the town. Over the next month or so, Jacinta and Aunty Beryl met at the park a number of times, and each time Jacinta learned more about the local community and the culture and the different dialects of the local Aboriginal people. She had also met a few of the families who spent time at the park and learned some games from the children. She now had lots of ideas about how to make the centre a culturally safe, inviting and welcoming place for both the local Aboriginal families and the other cultural groups in town.

7. Why did Jacinta meet with Aunty Beryl a number of times?
8. Who should Jacinta share her ideas with before she implements them?
9. What agency could Jacinta contact to get further information and support about providing education and care services to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people?
10. List five strategies that Jacinta could implement in order to make the centre a culturally safe place for all families
11. How can Jacinta demonstrate respect and learn more about the various dialects of the local Aboriginal people?
12. List 5 things that Jacinta could implement in her curriculum to expose and encourage an appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity.
13. List three strategies that Jacinta could use to evaluate whether her strategies are working.
14. Who would be involved in this evaluation?

CHCECE003 Provide care for children
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Assessment Coversheet

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date.
Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
CHCECE003 Provide care for children State code: WG751
Assessment Tool Assessment 1: Case Study, Scenario and Questions

Resources required • Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
• Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics
• National Quality Standards
Education and Care Services National Law (WA) Act 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12929_homepage.html
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html

Instructions to students This assessment is in three parts. Part 1 requires you to read the case study and answer questions in the spaces provided. The questions relate to settling children who are new to the service.
Part 2 requires you to read some scenarios and answer a series of short answer questions about guiding children’s behaviour, interacting appropriately with children and maintaining their dignity and rights.
Part 3 Requires you to research varied documents and answer some general questions about the way to guide and encourage educators when working with children and families.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment 1: Questions and Scenarios
Part 1 Case Study – ‘A Stressful Beginning’
You are an educator in the 3- 5 year old room and are expecting a new child, three year old Asmara, to arrive soon.
You met Asmara and her mother Shanti during their orientation visit last week. At the visit Shanti told you that she was worried about returning to work, as she hadn’t worked since Asmara was born.
When they arrive, Asmara is hiding her face in her mother’s skirt crying as she walks. She is wearing a pink tutu with glitter through it, and a T-shirt that said “I’ve been to Turtle Island in Borneo” and some sparkly shoes that were on the wrong feet.
Shanti tries to smile, although her lip is trembling and she looks like she wants to cry herself! She gently tries to move her daughter towards you but Asmara clings tightly to her mother.
Shanti apologizes and says “She’s usually not a cry baby, but I guess I have made her a ‘mummy’s girl’. Asmara and I have been on our own since she was born. I’m very nervous about starting work and I’m not sure how she will cope without me to help her with everything.”
Answer the following questions:
1 a) How is Shanti feeling when she arrives in the room?
b) How is Asmara feeling when she arrives in the room?
c) List two things you could do for Shanti and Asmara to support them as they arrive.
d) List two things you could say to Shanti and Asmara to support them as they arrive.
e) Identify three suggestions you could give Shanti to help her in her departure from Asmara.
f) Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how you would support Asmara to separate from Shanti.
g) List three documents that will assist you to know how to support children and families in separating from one another.
h) Which Quality Area in the National Quality Standard would guide you in this scenario?
i) List one Principle, one Practice and one Learning Outcome from the Early Years Learning Framework that would guide you in this scenario.
j) What activities or ideas could be included in the curriculum to support Asmara to transition to the service?

Part 2: Scenario

Ruby is three and a half years old. She finds it difficult to socialize with the other children and will often disrupt their play. Isaac (4 years) and Amar (3 years) are playing in the sandpit with the trucks when Ruby comes and takes a truck from Amar. He says “Stop! Stop! I was playing with that!” Ruby ignores him and starts playing with the truck. Amar becomes upset.
2 a) How will you support the three children in this situation?
A group of toddlers are sitting on the mat ready to listen to a story. One educator is leading the group and the other is sitting at the back of the group encouraging the children to sit down and participate. It is common at these times for Zali (2 and a half years) to show some behaviours that disrupt the other children, such as walking to the front to touch the book, calling out or sitting and leaning on the other children. The educator encourages Zali to come and sit with her but she refuses saying “No, no”.
b) As an educator, what techniques would you use to support all the children in this situation?
Sienna and Travis
While the babies are playing outside, Sienna (9 months) and Travis (15 months) constantly pull off their hats. Each time you put her hat back on Sienna pulls it off and laughs. Travis throws his hat by the shed and when asked to put it back on he refuses.
c) What strategies would you use to support these children?
Zander and Antonia
Zander and Antonia are in the 2-3 year olds room with thirteen other toddlers. They often run from one end of the room to the other, yelling and laughing. The educators remind them of the limit of ‘walking feet inside’ and this works for a short period before they resume running.
d) What strategies would you use to support these children?
Kardel is 4 years old and often pushes the other children. This morning he hurt two children. The educator responded by placing him on a beanbag in the puzzle corner and said “You need to sit here and think about what you have done. You can’t hurt the other children”. Kardel got up to move away but the educator returned him to the beanbag. He then began to cry and started throwing puzzle pieces.
e) Is this an appropriate way to support Kardel? How would you respond to his behaviour if you were the educator?

Part 3: General questions
The National Quality Framework (NQF) provides a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services across Australia. The National Quality Framework includes the National Law and National Regulations, National Quality Standard, Assessment and Quality Ratings Process and National Learning Frameworks ©ACECQA- What is the NQF
This framework, together with the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child and the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics; help guide the way educators work with children and families.
3) Choose one Practice from the Early Years Learning Framework and explain how this Practice would guide you when responding to children’s’ behaviour

4) Refer to the National Quality Standard and identify a Quality Area and Standard that would guide you when responding to children’s behaviour.

5) Select an article from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and explain why it is relevant when guiding children’s behaviour.

6) Refer to the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. Write three statements from the ‘In relation to children I will’ section that will influence your practice when responding to children’s behaviour.

CHCECE006 Support behaviour of children and young people

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE006 Support behaviour of children and young people State code: WG750
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Case Study – Support positive behaviour

Resources required • Observation templates (included in this assessment)
• Review Plan template (included in this assessment)
• Access to the internet for research.

Instructions to students In this assessment you will read a case study and then answer questions that relate to developing positive behaviour strategies. You will also be required modify the strategies in a review plan.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment Task 1: Case Study – Supporting positive behavior management techniques
Please read the following case study and answer the questions
Case study – Part 1:
Rhys (4 years old) has been in your 3-5yr room which is licensed for 20 children.
Rhys is an only child. His parents have enrolled him in the service as they are fairly isolated and have no family nearby and want him to play with other children.
You have noticed since Rhys started at the service, the children are constantly calling out his name; he has either knocked over buildings they have created in the construction corner or pushed them out of the way to take what they are playing with. Several of the children have ended up crying and upset after being in contact with Rhys.
He never seems to find anything he would like to play with, spending only short periods of time at any one activity, usually drawing.
The staff are constantly trying to solve problems between Rhys and the children and the only time he seems to have interaction with the educators is when they are redirecting his behaviour.
You notice in the last week that his behaviour has become even more aggressive than previous weeks. He seems to be just wandering around the room not even wanting to draw. One of the other educators in the room tells you she has also noticed these changes in his behavior.
You decide to organise a meeting with Rhys’s parents to talk about your concerns. When you approach his mother she gets very distressed and starts crying. She explains that Rhys’s father is very ill and has been in hospital for the last eight days. She is finding it difficult to cope with all the stress and has no support. She says “All we have done for the last week is drive back and forth to the hospital. I feel so bad because I haven’t been spending quality time with Rhys…all I seem to do is snap at him. I don’t know what to do!”
1. Identify the behaviors that are disruptive and behaviors that would concern you.
2. What factors do you believe are contributing to Rhys’s behavior?
3. Using the templates included in this assessment, record 3 observations of Rhys’s behaviour and analyze each one.
• ABC narrative
• Time Sample (Frequency Count)
• Anecdotal
4. After the coordinator has met with the parents she decides to implement a positive behavior plan for Rhys, she asks you to assist her with positive guidance strategies to help Rhys with his behavior. List 3 strategies and explain how they will be implemented.
5. Who would be involved in developing and implementing this plan?
Case Study continued:
It has been 2 weeks since the initial meeting between the co-ordinator and Rhys’s parents. You have implemented your 3 strategies with some success and it is time to review the positive behaviour plan.
Rhys’s mum tells you that dad is still unwell, however he is home now and only needs to visit the doctor every 3 weeks. He is becoming more active and spends time reading stories with Rhys, who enjoys books about transport. Rhys’s behaviour has improved a little and while he still wanders around some days, he is becoming more focused, and interacts with other children during small group mat sessions. You notice he enjoys building with the blocks in the construction corner, but if he becomes tired or frustrated he will still push the children or knock over their construction.

6a. Using the information above, modify your three strategies to continue to support Rhys to behave in a positive way. Record your modifications on the Review Plan below.
6b. Develop a long term goal based on your modifications.
7. List one organisation that could provide support to the co-ordinator and parents in developing a positive behaviour plan. Include the name and contact details of the organisation, and a brief description of the services they provide.

Review Plan
Child’s name
Strategy 1:

Strategy 2

Strategy 3

Long term goal:

Anecdotal Record
Child’s name Child’s age
Setting Date
Educator recording
Observation Analysis

Where to from here

ABC Narrative
Child’s name: Date: Observer:
Antecedent Behaviour Consequences


Time Sample
Child’s name: Date: Observer:
Observational Question: (what do you want to observe?)
Time frames Behaviours/s to be observed Total (for each block of time)

Total (for each behaviour)
Analysis of observation

CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date.
Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE009 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice State code: WG752
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Understanding Learning Frameworks
Resources required • Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• My Time Our Place. A School Age Care Framework www.acecqa.gov.au
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
• Guide to the National Quality Framework
• Guide to the National Quality Standard

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to read six scenarios and explain how aspects of the learning framework, National Quality Standard and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are reflected. You will then complete a series of short answer questions. You can write directly onto this assessment.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory
☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Please read the following scenarios and complete the table. Briefly explain each response.
Scenario Kelly is 2.5 years old and communicates with educators by pulling their shirt, mumbling words and pointing to what she would like. Educators repeat what it is Kelly is trying to say and Kelly nods. Kelly’s mum would like her to wear knickers at the centre and begin toilet training but educators are concerned that Kelly’s language is not developed enough for her to communicate her need to go to the toilet. A parent calls the centre and tells the Director that she does not want her 3 year old daughter to have a sleep at rest time. The educators follow this request but the child falls asleep on a cushion outside at 3.30pm.

Write the Principle from the Early Years Learning Framework that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Principle.

Write the Practice from the Early Years Learning Framework that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Practice.

Write the Learning Outcome from the Early Years Learning Framework that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Learning Outcome.

Write the quality area from the National Quality Standard that is demonstrated in this scenario.
If you were the educator in this scenario, who would you collaborate with? What would you say?

Scenario Today’s afternoon tea is crackers with toppings, but one child says he does not like it. The educator serves the food as follows in separate bowls:
-Plain crackers
-Grated cheese
-Grated carrot
-Sliced tomato
-Sliced cucumber
-Sliced ham A parent calls the service and asks that her 11 year old child do one hour of revision for a maths test before going outside to play at the service. After half an hour of study the chid complains of a headache. The educator offers her a drink of water and tells her to go outside to have a break.

Write the Principle from My Time Our Place that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Principle.

Write the Practice from My Time Our Place that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Practice.

Write the Learning Outcome from My Time Our Place that is demonstrated in this scenario and explain why you choose that Learning Outcome.

Write the quality area from the National Quality Standard that is demonstrated in this scenario.
If you were the educator in this scenario, who would you collaborate with? What would you say?

Scenario Anna is 5 months old. She enjoys tummy time but when placed on her back she cries and waves her arms around. The educator notices this and writes an observation, then decides to encourage Anna to roll over from front to back and back to front, by placing toys on her dominant side which appears to be her right. Joshua, who is 5 years old, arrives at the service and excitedly tells all of the educators and other children that his Nona has come to stay. He tells one of the educators that he wants to “show Nona his friends”. The educator responds, “We would love Nona to come and meet your friends!”
Write the Principle from the appropriate learning framework that is demonstrated in this scenario.

Write the Practice from the appropriate learning framework that is demonstrated in this scenario.

Write the Learning Outcome from the appropriate learning framework that is demonstrated in this scenario.

Write the quality area from the National Quality Standard that is demonstrated in this scenario.
If you were the educator in this scenario, who would you collaborate with? What would you say?

Short answer questions

1. What are the five main parts of the National Quality Framework?
2. As an educator, how can you make sure that your work practices are appropriate?
3. Please explain how the following articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child are reflected in the National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework.

UN Rights of Child article National Quality Standard Early Years Learning Framework My Time Our Place
Article 24

Article 30

Article 31

CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in the service
CHCECE013 Use information about children to inform practice

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE013 Use information about children to inform practice State code: WG756
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Gather and document information

Resources required • Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• Domain/Focus Guide (provided by lecturer)
• Observation templates (included in this assessment)
• Summative assessment template (included in this assessment)
• Video of children to observe
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BwbEJwvFxk
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AfHO9F9Eg

• Sample of children’s artwork and associated photos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar17KJm0270&t=28shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar17KJm0270&t=28s

Instructions to students This assessment is completed in class. You are required to gather and document information about a child, based on a video of him engaging in his environment and a sample of his artwork. You will analyse this information and use it to develop opportunities to support this child’s learning and development
Links to videos are included ‘Resources required’ section for flexi students who do not attend class.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment Instructions
Your lecturer will ask you to watch a video of child interacting in his environment, and in various locations. After you have watched the video, you will write an anecdotal record and a learning story recording what you have observed. You will then watch a video of a child engaged in an art experience, and using the accompanying piece of art work, you will write a Work Sample.
You will analyse each observation and write a summative assessment and then provide some follow up ideas to extend the child’s development and learning.

Anecdotal Record
1. Write an anecdotal record using the template attached- remember to record in the ‘past tense’
2. Once the observation is written use the Domain/Focus guide booklet to analyse your observation.
3. Use arrows to link your analysis to the observation. You must identify each domain of development in your analysis.

Learning Story
1. Write a Learning Story using the template attached.
2. Record a summary of the learning that was observed in Learning Story, and link this to each of the Learning Outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework.

Work Sample
1. Review the artwork and related video.
2. Record what you have observed on the Work Sample template and analyse this information.

Planning for the child
3. Use your analysis of the Anecdotal Record, Learning Story and Work Sample to record a summative assessment of. Use the template attached.
3. Provide at least three ideas for follow-on activities that could extend the children’s learning and development. These activities ideas must be linked to the children strengths and interests.

Flexi students:
Please use the following videos if you are not attending class.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BwbEJwvFxk
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AfHO9F9Eg
• For Work sample observation watch the followinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar17KJm0270&t=28shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar17KJm0270&t=28s

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name:
Name of Recorder:
Observation Analysis

Learning Story

Child’s name: Date: Observer:
What was observed

Analysis of learning (Describe the learning you have observed and identify which Learning Outcome from the EYLF it relates to)

What next (follow on)?

Work Sample

Child’s Name:
Age :

What happened/has been observed


Summative Assessment
Use your analysis from the three observations to compile a summative assessment of the child.
(you must include physical, creative, social, emotional, language and cognitive)

(link to the Learning Outcomes in the EYLF)

(what does the child enjoy?)

(Include the child’s strengths, abilities, ideas and knowledge)

Social interactions
(who does the child engage with and how do they interact?)

(how does the child engage with the play environment?)

Ideas for further planning

Description of idea How the idea reflects the summative assessment



Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in early childhood State code: WG753
Assessment Tool Assessment 2 :Planning 2-3yrs
Resources required • Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• Guide to the National Quality Standard http://files.acecqa.gov.au/files/National-Quality-Framework-Resources-Kit/NQF03-Guide-to-NQS-130902.pdf
• Developmental Milestones and the EYLF http://files.acecqa.gov.au/files/QualityInformationSheets/QualityArea1/DevelopmentalMilestonesEYLFandNQS.pdf
• Access to a computer to conduct research

Instructions to students You are required to plan a holistic environment for 2-3yr age group by selecting and planning six learning experiences that cover each developmental domain.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Planning a holistic environment for 2-3 years old children.

This task requires you to research and plan six learning experiences which together would provide a holistic environment for a group of 2-3year old children. You must select one activity for each of the developmental domains below, and one of the six experiences must be implemented during a routine. Complete a Learning Experience Plan for each activity.

 Gross motor development

 Fine motor development

 Cognitive development

 Language development

 Social/emotional development

 Creative development

Learning Experience Plan – Gross Motor development

Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Learning Experience Plan – Fine Motor development
Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Learning Experience Plan – Cognitive development
Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Learning Experience Plan – Language development
Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Learning Experience Plan – Social/emotional development
Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Learning Experience Plan – Creative development
Name of experience: Age group: 2-3 years
Purpose of the experience:
(Why have you chosen this experience?)
How learning will be supported:
(What Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes have been considered in your planning? Principles:
EYLF Learning Outcome:

How development will be supported:
(What other developmental skills will children be using in this experience?) Domain/s:


Resources required: List of resources required for the experience

Play area set up: Describe where you will set up the experience

Health and safety considerations
Implementation of experience:
Step by step sequence on how you plan to implement this experience. This needs to include enough detail that any educator would be able to pick up the plan and know how to do it.

Interactions with children
1. How will you show enthusiasm (write what you will say or do)

2. How will you encourage the child/children to participate?

3. What 3 questions will you ask the children (remember to relate this to your experience)

Strategies to support positive behaviour

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J594
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Week 18 Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE013 Use information about children to inform practice
CHCECE010 Support the holistic development of children in early childhood State code: WG756
Assessment Tool Assessment 3- Scenario and questions
Resources required • Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
• Guide to the National Quality Framework
• Guide to the National Quality Standard

Instructions to students This assessment has three parts and will assess your understanding of how to apply developmental knowledge to support children. Part 1 requires you to determine whether statements are true or false. Part 2 requires you to answer some short answer questions. Part 3 requires you to read two scenarios and answer questions about each one.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date
Assessment Instructions

Part 1- True or False
Please read each statement and place a tick in the column to indicate whether it is true or false.
Statement True False Assessor marking
1. Collaboration with family and other educators is important to collect information about each child’s needs, interests, skills and cultural practices
2. It is important that information collected through observation and secondary sources is discussed with every parent in the centre
3. It is important to ensure discussion and recorded of information is free from biased comments and negative labelling of children
4. You only discuss observation and child/family information with relevant people

Task 2: Short Answer Questions
Please write your answers to the following questions.

1. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how you would you draw children’s attention to symbols and patterns in their environment and talk about patterns and relationships.
2. Describe how you would value children’s linguistic heritage and encourage the use and acquisition of home languages.
3. Describe how you would facilitate families’ diverse contributions to the service.
4. Give two examples of how you could share children’s successes with families.
5. What website would you go to access the National Quality Framework, National Quality Standards and the relevant approved learning framework?
6. List six factors that impact on child development

Task 3: Scenarios
Read the scenarios below and answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Amy and Zac (3years) are playing on the car mats with trucks. Zac pushes his truck into Amy’s and says “crash” then laughs. Amy screams and pushes Zac, so he pushes her back. They both begin to cry and continue to push each other.

a) Describe how you could help Amy and Zac to make informed choice about their behaviour.
b) How can you encourage Amy and Zac to express and manage their feelings appropriately?
c) How can you support Amy and Zac to understand and accept responsibility for their own actions in this situation?
d) How could you assist and support Amy and Zac when they begin having difficulty understanding and communicating with each other?
Scenario 2
Joanna (2years) is sitting at the playdough table attempting to roll a ‘snake’ shape with the dough. She keeps squashing the dough flat then scraping it back up and trying again. After repeating this action three times she starts slamming the dough down on table, and is frowning.

a) How can you assist Joanna to see her mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow?
b) How would you acknowledge Joanna’s frustration and support her?
c) What could you say and do to motivate and encourage Joanna to persevere with the challenge of rolling a ‘snake’?
d) How could you support Joanna’s efforts?

Joanna does continue to persevere and successfully rolls a ‘snake’

e) What could you say and do to help Joanna feel proud and confident of her achievement?

CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and leisure

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning State code: WG740
Assessment Tool Assessment 1 : Understanding play

Resources required • National Quality Standards https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/acecqa.gov.au/national-quality-framework/the-national-quality-standard
• Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia available at http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• UN Convention of the Rights of the Child https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/unicef.org/southafrica/SAF_resources_crcchildfriendly.pdf

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to read and answer a series of short answer questions about play. You can write directly on to this assessment if you choose. Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

1. What does the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child state about play? (Please include the number of the article)

2. One of the Practices in Belonging, Being and Becoming- The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia is ‘Learning through play’.
i. List four benefits of play for young children
ii. List four ways that educators can support play

3. Briefly explain how Quality Area 1 in the National Quality Standard supports play based learning.

4. Briefly explain how Quality Area 3 in the National Quality Standard supports play based learning.

5. Identify Mildred Parten’s stages of play, and give a brief explanation for each stage.

BSBWO301 Organise personal work priorities and development

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587

Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Click here to enter a date. Date Received Click here to enter a date.
Unit of Competency
National Code & Title BSBWOR301: organise personal work priorities and development State code: AUJ68
Assessment Tool Assessment 1: Goal setting

Resources required • Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/our-publications/eca-code-ethics/
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html
• National Quality Standard
• Belonging, Being and Becoming the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia http://education.gov.au/early-years-learning-framework
• Access to internet to research job descriptions

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to reflect on your own learning and performance so far, using the legal and ethical requirements of the work role as a guide. From this reflection you will plan and document one professional goal and one personal learning goal, one of which will be implemented in work placement.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment 1: Goal Setting
Task 1: Reflection
You are required to reflect on your own learning and performance during the course so far, and think about what you are doing well, and what areas could be improved. The documents below explain the legal and ethical requirements of an early childhood educator. Use these as a guide to help you work out what knowledge and skills you are working towards.
o ECA Code of Ethics
o Educators Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework
o Job description for a Certificate III early childhood educator
o Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012
o National Quality Standard

Task 2: Planning goals
From your reflection, plan and document one professional goal and one personal learning goal using the smart technique for goal setting. Complete the templates included in this assessment. The professional goal will be about improving your skills and knowledge as an early childhood educator. The personal learning goal will be about improving your general employability skills such as team work, time management or organisational skills. In Assessment 2 you will implement one of these in work placement.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Professional Goal)
Goal: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why did you choose this goal? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

From which document (legal and ethical requirements listed in Task 1): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How this goal will help me meet my legal and/or ethical requirements as an early childhood educator: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

S Specific What do you want to achieve?
M Measurable how will you know that you have achieved your goal? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Achievable Can you achieve your goal? What stresses/obstacle/barriers/challenges might you encounter?
R Realistic What can you do overcome obstacles/barriers? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
T Timed When do you want to achieve your goal? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Professional development I could access to achieve my goal.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Personal Learning Goal)
Goal: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why did you choose this goal? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

From which document (legal and ethical requirements listed in Task 1): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How this goal will help me improve my general employability skills: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

S Specific What do you want to achieve.
M Measurable how will you know that you have achieved your goal? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A Achievable Can you achieve your goal? What stresses/obstacle/barriers/challenges might you encounter?
R Realistic What can you do overcome obstacles/barriers? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
T Timed When do you want to achieve your goal? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Professional development I could access to achieve my goal.

HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

Assessment Coversheet
Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety State code: WG738
Assessment Tool Assessment 1: Hazards and risk

Resources required • Safe and Healthy Environment Policy (included in this assessment)
• Photos of hazards found in an Education and Care Services- provided by the lecturer
• National Quality Standard- www.acecqa.gov.au/Childrens-health-and-safety
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to review a series of unsafe workplace situations and record the hazards, associated risks and reporting requirements. Recording of these hazards must be completed according to the policy and procedures that are provided in this assessment.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided. will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment 1: Hazards and risk
Read through each question and write your answer in the section provided.
1. What is the definition of a ‘hazard’?

It’s Monday morning and you are conducting your hazard and risk assessment of the outdoor play environment.
There have been a number of hazards that you have discovered. (Your Lecturer will provide a photo of these hazards)

Using the attached policy and procedure as a guide, as well as the photographs provided by your lecturer, please answer the following questions.

2. Complete the following table based on the photos that your lecturer has given you.

List five hazards you identified What are the risks of these potential hazards? P.P.E required (if applicable)
Hazard 1:
Hazard 2:
Hazard 3:
Hazard 4:
Hazard 5:

3. Choose 2 hazards from your list and complete the table below:

How would you remove these hazards? How would you report these hazards? Who would you report the hazards to?
Hazard 1:
Hazard 2:

4.List two hazards from the list that will require an expert’s assistance to remove.
Hazard 1:

Hazard 2:

5. Using the two hazards from question 4, complete the table
What procedure must you follow to report these hazards, including to whom you would report them? (refer to attached policy) What will you do to ensure that the area is safe for the children and other people at the service?
Hazard 1:
Hazard 2:

6.According to the policy, who would you report an incident or accident (including any injuries) to, and what document must you complete?

Blue Bay Child Care Centre

Philosophy: All families, children, staff, management and visitors have the right to feel protected.
Legislation: Current state/territory regulations:
 Occupational safety and health regulations 1996
 Occupational safety and health Act 1984
 Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012
Children’s needs: Safe and healthy environment in which to play and learn.
Parent’s needs: Reassurance that health and safety standards are maintained at the centre and their children are safe.
Educators needs: A safe and healthy workplace; clear guidelines about their responsibilities under OSH Act.
Management Needs: Clear guidelines about their responsibilities under OSH Act; employees’ co-operation in following health and safety instructions
• A Health and Safety policy and procedure handbook concerning the Occupational Safety and Health of the occupants and users of the centre will be produced and followed.
• Information about the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Regulations, Codes of practice and guidelines are available at the centre and may be read by staff, committee and parents of children attending the centre.
• Employee and Employer responsibilities for Occupational Safety and Health are included Health and Safety policy and procedure handbook these responsibilities are highlighted to new Educators and committee members as part of their induction.
• At the beginning of each year, a “Safety Officer” will be nominated from and by the Educators at the centre. This Safety Officer will be responsible for investigating all reports of breaches of the Health and Safety policies of the centre, as well as any accidents, incidents or injuries occurring at the service. These will be recorded in the centres ‘WHS report manual’.
• Red Tags are used to alert all educators, staff and children of faulty or broken equipment. They are found in the office in the ‘Safety box’. Record details of the broken equipment, the date of the discovery and your name on the card using a white board marker, then attach to the faulty/broken equipment.
• Educators/staff immediately on discovery of faulty or broken equipment, will remove this equipment (if possible) and a ‘Red Tag’ completed and attached to it. The equipment will then be placed into the handyman’s/gardeners locked shed. Educators/staff must complete a report of this broken/faulty equipment in the centres ‘WHS report manual’ and advise the “Safety Officer” of the need for its replacement or repair.
• If the equipment is too large, heavy or is a fixed piece of equipment, educators MUST cordon off the area and inform the children that this is not to be played on. If it is too dangerous, educators may need to utilize another play area until the hazard is fixed or removed, and it is declared safe to return to the area by the safety officer, management or a specialist contractor
• Once a piece of equipment is tagged, it is not to be used by anyone until such time as the tag is removed.
• The tag may only be removed by: appropriate Maintenance or service contractors.
• As equipment is repaired it will be returned to your nursery and the’ Red Tag’ card returned to the Safety box.
• Age appropriately, children are taught through the curriculum to recognise these red tags as ‘dangerous’.

• In each room, educators will maintain a ‘Daily Outdoor Safety Checklist ‘and any potential hazard are addressed promptly. Educators, must ensure once the procedure is completed that all details including; date, time and staff signature is placed onto the ‘Daily Outdoor Safety Checklist’ into the file with the same name, to ensure compliance.
• Sandpits will be raked regularly, and covered at night- any rubbish removed. Cat or other animal faecal matter must be removed, using appropriate PPE, sand then cleaned thoroughly with hot soapy water, then the area cordoned off until completely dried.
• Educators will check all play areas and equipment regularly to ensure they are in a clean and safe condition. Any equipment and/or area that is not clean and in a safe condition is to be notified to the “Safety Officer” by all Educators to ensure it is made safe.
• Educators will ensure all ‘Emergency Exits’ are kept unobstructed and cleared of rubbish, equipment and obstructions.
• The Emergency Evacuation Procedure and Diagram, must be attached to the outside wall at all times for staff’s reminder and instruction
• Educators will record all incidents with the potential to cause injury or illness to the Safety Officer. All such incidents will be documented by the “Safety Officer” in the centres ‘WHS report manual’.
• Educators will record any of their own accidents, injuries, or illness; on a ‘Staff, Accident/injury/illness’ form and submitted to the ‘Safety Officer’ as soon as possible.
• Any accidents, injuries or illness of children- require an ‘Accident/injury/illness’ form must be completed ASAP- The ‘Safety officer’ must be notified and parents provided this form on the SAME day as the occurrence. (See Accident/Injury and Illness Policy)
• Children- an ‘Accident/injury/illness’ form must be completed ASAP- The ‘Safety officer’ must be notified and parents provided this form on the SAME day as the occurrence.
Some hazards are not able to be removed or rectified easily, either by children’s service staff or the handyman/gardener. The service may require an external agency/contractor service of expertise, who deals with these potential dangers, to remove or provide advice in removing the hazards. On discovering hazards that require expertise removal, they must be reported immediately to the Safety Officer who will record it in the WHS report manual. The area must be cordoned off and children (age appropriately) told that the area is dangerous and to stay away.
Educators, staff, volunteers and students must take all reasonable care to ensure their own safety when dealing with any hazards.
• Disposable gloves are to be used at all times when removing hazard wastes
• Long handled Tongs labelled ‘hazard removal ONLY’- these will be used in addition to gloves, to remove all dangerous and potentially infectious items. These items are then to be placed into doubled plastic bags and then disposed of in the OUTDOORS rubbish bin ONLY.
• Used needles are to be picked up using the long-handled tongs labelled ‘hazard removal ONLY’, and placed inside of the centres ‘SHARPS’ container – The details of where and when the needles were discovered must be documented into the centres ‘WHS report manual’, and the ‘Safety Officer’ notified immediately. They will then contact the council for safe removal and disposal.

Assessment Coversheet

Qualification details
Training Package code and title: CHC Community Services Training Package
National Qualification Code & Title: CHC30113 Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care State code: J587
Student Name
Student Declaration I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:

Assessor Name
Date Due Date Received Click here to enter a date.

Unit of Competency
National Code & Title HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety State code: WG738
Assessment Tool Assessment 2: What a Mess!

Resources required • https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12929_homepage.html
• Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 available at https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_12946_homepage.html
• https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/occupational-safety-and-health-regulations-1996
• https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/occupational-safety-and-health-act-1984
• www.lessons4living.com
• WorksafeWA https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe

Instructions to students This assessment requires you to read a scenario and answer questions in relation to the WHS issues identified. You will also be required to address the hazards that have been identified and put in place strategies for safe work practices.
Please refer to the resources above when considering your answers.
A copy of your Assessment will be retained for archiving once completed and feedback has been provided.

First Attempt: Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Second Attempt:Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Assessment decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor signature Date
Student signature Date

Assessment 2: What a Mess!


You both read the policy and the set off to the shed to see if the procedure has been followed, and discover the following:
1. The roller door was very hard to lift up, as it was rusty and the bike handles were getting stuck on the rim of it.
2. The shed was a mess. At the front of the shed, the planks were balancing on the bikes, which made it really unstable as you tried to lift them off. The balls were scattered all over the ground.
3. The large bucket was full of sandpit toys that were ‘caked’ with old wet sand, used from the day previous days ‘Bakers shop’, which made the bucket so heavy and impossible to lift.
4. The ‘Setting up and packing away of outdoor equipment’ checklist has fallen off the wall and is caught under some equipment. On closer inspection, it hadn’t been completed by either room’s staff signatures or dates. The photos were faded and some not there at all.
5. The potting mix was dry and spilling out of the bag. The gardening aprons and gloves were extremely dirty and not together in one place. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the potting mix and its First Aid Action plan, was smudged and ripped.
6. The rakes were on the ground with the spikes sticking up.
7. A locked cabinet was found, but none of the staff knew what was in there. On opening it, they found insect spray and Rodent powder.
8. The staff were wearing their summer sandals “Because it is too hot”
9. Staff set up tissue boxes around the yard for easy access but there was no hand sanitizer or hand washing completed after using.
Setting up the Outdoor Environment Policy

All children, staff and visitor’s to Precious Cargo Education and Care Service have the right to experience quality care in an environment which provides for their health and safety. The Education and Care service National Law Act 2010 requires the nominated supervisor to take reasonable care to protect children from foreseeable risks of harm, injury and infection.

Legislation: Education and Care Services National Law Act (WA) 2012, Education and Care services national Regulations
Children’s needs: Safe and healthy environment in which to play and learn.
Parent’s needs: Reassurance that health and safety standards are maintained at the service and their children’s health and safety is assured
Educators/Staff needs: A safe and healthy environment in which to provide experiences for children; appropriate allocation of resources to maintain a safe and healthy environment and equipment that supports staff’s own safety.
Management needs: To minimise legal liability of the service and ensure health and safety issues are brought to their attention
National Quality Framework:
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2012 (WA) Section 3(2) (a); 179; 189
Education and Care Services National Regulations Part 4.2- Children’s Health
And Safety, Part 4.3 Physical Environment, Part 4.4 Staffing Arrangement –
Division 2, 3 and 6, 158-166,168,169
National Quality Standard for Early childhood Education and Care and School
Age Care – standard 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; element – 4.1.1; 6.1.2; 6.2.2; 7.1.5; 7.3.3
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
Framework for School Age Care to Australia
Standards Australia website – www.standards.com.au
Department for Community Development Factsheets – www.community.wa.gov.au
Kid safe Australia – www.kidsafe.com.au
Code of Practice
Precious Cargo Education and Care Service, aims to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment in which children may play in and explore their world free from harm, and protect the health and safety of the educators and every person who enters the centre premises or uses the equipment by keeping informed about and complying with the relevant legislations and ensuring Code of Practice, Standards and recommendations from recognised authorities are followed to protect everyone from harm, injury, illness and stress.
The 2-3 and 3-5 years rooms will share the outside garden and equipment shed. A ‘Risk assessment’ of the outdoor play areas will be checked daily for any hazards. Educators/staff will complete the ‘Risk assessment checklist’ to assess the safety of the outdoor environment.
All educators/staff, will comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations in regards to being diligent to ensure that all equipment, toys the garden and premises are kept in a thoroughly clean and hygienic condition and in good repair at all times, whilst being stored in a safe manner.
• The Setting up and packing away of outdoor equipment’ checklist must be completed daily, including the documenting of staff’s name, signature and date.
• Balls, will be placed inside the ‘Ball Bag’.
• Bikes will be hung on the provided bike hooks
• Planks and balancing beams will be placed onto the provided brackets on the side of the shed.
• Sandpit equipment will be placed in a large bucket and the equipment regularly washed cleaned of ‘caked on’ sand, to minimise the heaviness of the equipment, and infestation of insects.
• All equipment that is broken/faulty or causing a hazard, will be removed if possible, by educators/staff from use, ‘Red tagged’ (Please refer to the centres “Tagging Policy”) a ‘Hazard Report’ completed and then reported to the ‘Safety Officer’.
• Educators/Staff MUST NOT attempt to lift or move anything that they feel is too heavy or too awkward, or may cause injury. They must ask other educators/staff, to assist in these tasks.
• Insect spray and other equipment used for Rodent removal will be placed in a locked cabinet and the cabinet labelled with a ‘Dangerous goods’ signage.
• All educators/staff will be made aware of which products may pose a danger to children in the Centre and will do their best to minimise the use of these products without jeopardising the hygiene of the children and themselves.
• All potentially dangerous products used for gardening, will be clearly labelled, stored in labelled containers sealed with a tight fitting lid. The relevant Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that product as well as its First Aid Action Plan will be displayed above the container.
• Rakes/Brooms/Shovels etc. will be hung on their designated hooks
The mulch/soil must be:
Bought out of the shed into the open air
• Made moist, by the use of a light watering
• Gardening shovel used to handle the soil (Sandpit equipment IS NOT permitted to be used for the use of gardening) with the exception of ‘patting down the soil.
Educators/Staff and children will be provided appropriate clothing and safety equipment to ensure their safety.
• Staff are required to adhere to occupational health & safety recommendations at all times, enclosed shoes with a non-slip sole, must be worn bare feet, open toed sandals and thongs are not permitted.
When gardening with the children:
• A gardening apron and gloves must be worn by staff and appropriate sizes provided for the children.
• On completion of the experience, aprons must be hung up on their designated hooks, excess soil removed from the gloves and then placed into a sealed and clearly labelled bucket.
• Used needles are to be picked up using the long handled tongs labelled ‘hazard removal ONLY’, placed inside of the centres ‘SHARPS’ container – The details of where and when the needles were discovered must be documented into the centres ‘WHS report manual’, and the ‘Safety Officer’ notified immediately. They will then contact the council for safe removal and disposal.

• Educators/staff /students and volunteers, will on commencement of employment or their practical placement, be required to read the centres ‘ Outdoor Equipment Policy’ and if the strategies are agreed, and understood, they must sign their signature and date the day they read the policy, in the Educators/staff/students and volunteers WHS book.
• Staff will verbally remind each other of the placing of the equipment of the Signs, labels and photos for the correct spaces for each piece of equipment.
• A ‘Setting up and packing away of outdoor equipment’ checklist will be placed inside of the shed and must be completed by educators/staff daily, or when outdoor equipment has been used, with their name, signature and date.
• Attending yearly OHS training

A training program is organised every 12 months to ensure staff members can identify:
• Key elements of the OHS & W Act
• The centre’s health and safety procedures and policies.
• Safe and healthy workplace practices including back care and lifting of heavy objects.
• How to report hazards.
• How to have a say in safe work practices and procedures.
• How to use the ‘Fire extinguisher’- with the use of ‘real’ fires created (on purpose) in the garden.

Information about the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act, Regulations, Codes of practice and guidelines are held at the centre and may be read by staff, committee and parents of children attending the centre.
Staff and parents will be encouraged to report to the Occupations Health & Safety Officer or to Management, incidents or situations leading to high stress levels and positive steps will be taken to understand and minimise stress suffered by individual staff members.

Task 2:
Question 1: Prepare a report that must address all of the above mentioned hazards under the following headings:
Hazard What is a WHS likely consequence of these hazards? What strategies could be suggested to fix these issues, including how to report it: and use the Services Outdoor Equipment Policy
Roller Door

Equipment everywhere-planks, bikes, balls

Large bucket of sandpit toys

Packing away procedure

Potting Mix

Staff clothing & PPE

Tissue Boxes


MSDS & First Aid Safety Action Plan

Locked cabinet


2. How can you ensure that all educators, staff, volunteers and students are aware of these agreed strategies?
3. How would the agreed strategies be monitored?
4. List two legal documents that services use when developing OHS policies and procedures in Western Australia
5. Name one professional development workshop or idea that you could recommend for the educator that you overheard commenting using the points below: (must be relevant to Western Australia)
• How staff can maintain their currency of safe work practices and the safe use of equipment
• How staff can minimise their stress and fatigue levels

6. Write the steps that you should take if you find a discarded syringe in the play area when completing a morning yard check.
7. Look at the following signs and symbols. Write their meaning under each one.

Submission of Assessment Receipts
Please attach a receipt to each assessment you submit and have it signed by the SMTAFE staff member that you submit your assessment to.
This is your evidence that you have submitted the assessment

(Once signed, this section is to be removed and retained by the student as evidence of assignment submission)
Student Name:
Due Date: Date Submitted:
Receiving Officer:
Signed: Date:

(Once signed, this section is to be removed and retained by the student as evidence of assignment submission)
Student Name:
Due Date: Date Submitted:
Receiving Officer:
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