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E-Commerce – how to turn social platforms into revenue

E-Commerce – how to turn social platforms into revenue” not less than 2500 words.

course subject is contemporary IT issue . I require to submit the research report using questionnaire as primary data and case study as secondary data for this topic. i selected topic is “E-Commerce – how to turn social platforms into revenue” not less than 2500 words. need to use the data to do analyse. and comes up a new knowledge. i have uploaded 2 words file is my basic idea of this topic. and 1 word file is the requirement.
(1) Find an area that you are interested in, or find a problem that you have encountered.
(2) Search for information (by literature review) about this area/problem.
(3) Formulating and clarifying a topic.
(4) Reviewing the literature for more in-depth information about the topic.
(5) Designing the research methods.
(6) Collecting data.
(7) Analysing data.
(8) Writing up the conclusion.

E-Commerce – how to turn social platforms into revenue
There has been a huge transformation over the past decade in the media sector as consumers continue to increasingly use social networking sites to look for information concerning products and services, instead of using the traditional methods radio, television, and magazine. The increase in social networking has also opened different ways of revenue earning. For instance, it is now estimated that every seventh person in the globe owns a Facebook profile, with at least four out of five individuals using the internet, which are connected to at least one social media platform. Media consumption has subsequently increased due to the emergence of social media, which on the other hand has offered companies, organizations, and individuals an opportunity to earn many by adapting to several social media marketing strategies and public relations tools. Social media has become a familiar platform employed in E-Commerce to earn money. Therefore, the research problem is several ways on how to earn money over social media platforms such as Facebook sales, Instagram Live stream, YouTube, and KOL.
Project Aims:
The project aim is to establish how to earn money over the social platforms, the available ways of earning the money, and the best view to ensuring better results are obtained while using the social platforms for business purposes. The project also aims at helping a new individual who may join the E-Commerce business sector to understand the most critical factors required to effectively earn revenue over social media platforms. Another aim of the report is to define and provide the current understanding of different social platforms’ situation to enable social platform owners, advertisers, KOL, and shop owners who intend to use the social platform to promote their services and products to benefit from the analysis in the report. Therefore, the project goal is to find out how social communication networks can be used to conduct business and earn money.
Project Objectives:
Based on the problem statement, the research objectives for the project include:
• Investigating the amount of hours spend on social platforms by people with social media platforms associated with online shopping through questionnaires.
• Conducting research and case studies to find about how to turn social platforms into revenue.
• To investigate how people think about the topic.
• Establishing what kind of income is part of the revenue and understanding what is the possible options to using social platform to earn revenue and generate new knowledge based on the result report.
Turning social media platforms into revenue is not an easy task as it requires a better understanding of the target customers and finding their inclination towards different products. Acquiring understanding requires the gathering of a lot of information to turn social media into business revenue. Several ways of turning social media following into business revenue exist, some of them include exploring each social media platform to the fullest and falling for fads. Since the history of social media platforms has trending features based on the newly developed platforms, one should remain flexible to utilize new features of different platforms that emerge and being stagnant at one social platform (Abella, 2017). For instance, Snapchat lost its touch when the Instagram new feature of IG stories was introduced. The new trend followed more people using the Instagram new feature, which as a business person should quickly adjust to incorporate the feature as business revenue.
Another way of turning social media following into business revenue is by driving them back to the business website. Considering the number of business activities taking place on major social platforms such as Facebook, it becomes hard for one’s social media following to consistently view what they post. Therefore, directing social media following back to the business website where they can devour some content and opt-in to the business email list will increase the opportunity of revenue creation. It is also important to build trust with business social media following. Since the platform’s major role is to lure the followers to opt-in or follow back to the main business website, it is essential to demonstrate the legitimacy of the business products and services to build trust. Trust on social media platforms can be built through sharing high-quality content from the business website, sharing the content of other people and customer experience with the website services, or teaching followers about something new or interesting.
Bredava, 2018, describes several ways that can be used to turn social media traffic into sales. According to Bredava, making money through social media traffic involves analyzing the sales process across different social media platforms by researching to establish channels that currently bring leads to the business funnel, the sales process, and the time involved in closing the deal. The analysis is essential in choosing the best social media platform concerning the form of business and target customers. Increasing sales on social media also involve monitoring and encouraging social media reviews. Recommendations from friends and family have been considered to be trusted by people more than any other marketing form with an estimation of 92%. An estimated 77% of consumers are considered to be more likely to buy new products when recommended about it from family and friends. Considering the two trends, one can utilize social media for referral marketing by encouraging customer experience sharing and responding to all reviews, both negative and positive alike. Bredava encourages social media marketers to take up social selling, which involves identifying potential leads through monitoring communities such as Facebook groups, twitter chats, ad subreddits. Since other people do not like to share their brand thoughts on social media, identifying them and explaining to them the benefits of the brand and providing direct links to products making it easy to influence their decision (Bredava, 2018). One should also customize their social media path to conversion by providing a link to the business website in the social media profiles and posts. When promoting or advertising a product on social media, one should include a direct link to the website to make it easy for potential customers to view the product.
eCommerce product advertisement should involve a high level of creativity to create a competitive advantage considering that the eCommerce landscape has currently become more competitive than ever. Improving the business social media campaign involves improving the product image presentation which can attract followers’ attention to view the image and hence the product. Several eCommerce Facebook adds exist that can be used to support and improve business campaigns. Some of them include stunning images, which are eCommerce Facebook ads that use high-quality and beautifully presented images of the product in real-life situations. Another social media business tactic to present products is through using faces in images tactic. The tactic involves connecting humans with products by using a welcoming face of a person that can easily catch attention to advertise a product. The face in image tactic is usually used in the fashion industry in advertising brands by showing people how it would be like wearing clothes. Simplicity with an image is another tactic whereby the image is created in an environment that creates attention to the image (Blunt, 2019). Images can also be created based on value proposition focus, whereby the quality and design of the same product are presented in the same image. The tactic helps in capitalizing on the customer’s attention to present more than one design of the product rather than presenting each design and quality separately. Brand congruence eCommerce ads help in presenting consistent and repeated brand experience across all social media platforms which make the brand trustworthy and memorable. The brand colors, messaging, logo, fonts, and tone of voice should be identical to achieve its consistency. Since most online consumers depend on friends, family, and other customers’ opinions when comparing brands, assessing products, and searching for deals, it is important to ensure the product ads incorporate social proof such as customer stories and testimonials. Another Facebook ad that can be used for product advertisement is the carousel ad. The ad allows users to scroll through a series of diverse product range images. Video ads are also essential in product engagement. Video ads can either be moving graphics or slideshow of different product designs and quality.
The article by AdParlor presents findings of different eCommerce Facebook ads respective to the difference in the ads features. The findings include ads featuring images without copy product among women had click-through rates of 40% higher, and 54% among men. Click-through rates for ads that did not mention a specific discount was 43% higher among men, and 46% among women. Localized copy produce ads were found to have 22% higher click-through rates among women, and 87% higher among men (AdParlor, 2019). The click-through rates for ads that focused on product images instead of models wearing the product registered at 8% higher among women and 37% higher among men. A 37% click-through rate was established in women for ads that focused on a product image instead of those that focused on multiple product images. Lastly, AdParlor found out that click-through rates were 23% higher among women in ads that featured a carousel instead of a single image. According to the findings, using images without copy and not including the specific discount in ads improves the performance of the ads for both men and women.
The types of research employed in the study include the use of questionnaires for primary search and case study for a secondary search. The questionnaires are completed in quantitative data while the secondary data from the case study is completed in a qualitative in support of the primary data. The population target for the primary research for the study is various University students who have social media platform account and have engaged in online shopping. The population for secondary comprised of E-Commerce experts including eshop owners, advertisers, and social fan club members. The enter study population is 150, with University students comprising of 100 and the s E-Commerce experts compromised 50 samples. The convenience sampling technique was employed to obtain data from the university while the purposive sampling technique was employed to obtain data from E-Commerce experts.
The instrument validity is ensured in the study by the use of questionnaires designed to dependably extract primary data in line with the objectives of the study. The questions are designed to ensure respondents clearly understand. The case studies were also used to specifically for E-Commerce experts to meet the objective of the research. The quantitative data analysis was done for primary data using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The SPSS analysis involved the analysis of frequency distribution and percentages to determine the portion of respondents who chose the various responses. Tables were employed to provide an easy understanding of the quantitative analysis. The primary data analysis is conducted qualitatively as the E-Commerce experts including eshop owners, advertisers, and social fan club members were asked their view on the research topic.
This section presents results of respondents in various levels of awareness and usage patterns of social media tools.
Frequency of Internet Usage Table
Variables Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
1-2 times a day 10 13.0 13.0
3-4 times a day 14 18.2 31.1
5-6 times a day 16 20.7 51.9
More than 6 times a day 37 48.1
Total 77 100.0 100.0

The table above table represents the frequency of internet usage among the University students’ respondents. 48% of the respondents tend to use the internet more than six times a day representing the majority of the internet users’ frequency. Lower respondents were noticed to use the internet 1-2 times a day with a 13% representation.

Internet Surfing Duration Table
Variables Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Less than 30 mins 19 24.7 24.7
An hour 37 48 72.7
2hrs and above 21 27.3
Total 77 100.0 100.0

The table above was used to provide the duration spent on the internet surfing by correspondents. According to the data obtained, 48% of the respondents tend to spend an hour during session, 27.3% indicated to spend more than two hours in a session, while 24.7% said they spend less than thirty minutes in a session. The conclusion was that most respondents spend an hour per session surfing the internet.
Online Shopping Sites Awareness Table
Variables Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 72 93.5 93.5
No 5 6.5
Total 77 100.0 100.0

The table above shows the awareness of online shopping sites, the results indicating that 93.5% of respondents are aware of online shopping sites.
Online Shopping Table
Variables Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 51 68.8
No 23 31.2 31.2
Total 77 100.0 100.0

The table above shows the number of respondents that shop online. The table shows that most numbers of respondents shop online (66.2%), which is concluded as to their high awareness of online shopping sites.
Discussion of Research Findings
The findings from the university students indicate that there is an increase in social commerce with the highest number of respondents indicating that they frequently conduct online shopping. The study results indicate that most individuals today spend much time on the internet and in that way on social platforms which allows businesses to utilize social platforms to earn revenue.
The case study findings were based on three social commerce networks for marketers; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. According to the E-Commerce experts’ findings from the case study, Facebook is considered the better platform for social commerce networking that can increase the ability to earn revenue. The algorithm of Facebook keeps an individual longer on the platform as it prioritizes posts that are most likely to create a positive reaction from users (Prater, 2019). With users spending more time on the platform, there is a high possibility of them viewing more ads. The literature provides some of the social media tactics that can be applied to ensure ads are most relevant and compelling. The case study indicates Instagram and Twitter as inspiration platforms. An estimate of 68% of Instagram and Twitter users interact more with products compared to Facebook 32% (Singh & Singh, 2018). The case study also indicates that maintain positive comments increases product consideration by users which are indicated by the number of licks and retweets.
This chapter provides a summary of the major findings, conclusions, and recommendations of this study.
Summary of Major Findings
The study background revealed that social media is increasingly becoming the lifeline of e-commerce globally. Therefore, marketers and organizations should adopt several aspects of social media marketing in order to achieve revenue earning by effectively targeting potential customers. The possibilities listed in the research results indicate the increased online shopping which is highly influenced by social media platforms. The case study findings indicate that Facebook is the most influential social platform can be utilized as a revenue earner. However, Instagram and Twitter play a significant role in inspiration which means marketers should utilize them more to gain referrals for their products.

It can be concluded that the daily usage of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and KOL can be used significantly to enhance the marketing of products and services boosting how businesses earn revenue. Earning money over social platforms depends on the relationship that marketers and organizations develop between them and potential customers on social platforms. The study also concludes that social media can be used to increase customer loyalty through its ability to communicate to customers frequently, hence boosting revenue income.
Based on findings of the study, it is recommended that firms and marketers should integrate social media in their communication strategy due to its ability to tailor the content of each market segment allowing the businesses to present their products and services across the globe. It is also recommended for those that want to gain money over social media platforms to utilize their social media followers on different platforms at the same time.

Abella, A., 2017, May 26. 4 Ways to Turn Your Social Media Following Into Business Revenue. Due Inc. Available at: https://due.com/blog/4-ways-turn-social-media-following-business-revenue/. Assessed on 2 Nov. 2019
AdParlor, 2019. We Ran $557k in E-Commerce Facebook Ads. Here’s What We Learned. Available at: https://adparlor.com/blog/we-ran-557k-in-e-commerce-facebook-ads-heres-what-we-found/. Assessed on 2 Nov. 2019
Blunt, W., 2019, May 7. 13 Examples of eCommerce Facebook Ads That Will Inspire Your Next Campaign. Shorts Stack. Available at: https://www.shortstack.com/blog/examples-of-ecommerce-facebook-ads/. Assessed on 2 Nov. 2019
Bredava, A., 2018, August 17. Let’s Make Money: 8 Ways To Turn Social Media Traffic Into Sales. Martech Zone. Available at: https://martech.zone/social-media-traffic-sales/. Assessed on 2 Nov. 2019
Singh, M., & Singh, G., 2018. Impact of social media on e-commerce. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.30.13457.
Prater, J., 2019. How to Use Social Commerce to Boost Small Business Revenue. Post Planner. Available at: https://www.postplanner.com/blog/social-commerce-to-boost-small-business-revenue/. Assessed on 2 Nov. 2019

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