Posted: May 31st, 2023
Elderly Adult Assessment
Elderly Adult Assessment
PART I. You are to interview either an older adult male or female over the age of 65. In order to preserve confidentiality, identify them as “O.M.” or “O.F.” and include their age and ethnicity. Describe their living situation (i.e., home alone, home with family members, home with assistance, etc.), and describe the type of dwelling they reside in and in what kind of environment (i.e., rural 2 story, urban apartment, etc.).
Part II. Interview the older adult using the specific interview questions provided below. Summarize the results in a narrative format (not a Q&A format), and also address the “student reflection” part of the assignment in the same section, using the appropriate headings. a. Interview Questions: • How often do you experience pain? • What is the origin of this pain, and how long have you experienced this pain?
• Does the pain interfere with your everyday activities? Which ones? • Did you report your pain to a healthcare professional, such as a nurse or physician? Why or why not? • If you received treatment for your pain, what kind, and were you satisfied with the treatment? • Do you believe pain is a normal part of aging? • What do you do to manage your pain? • Do you believe healthcare professionals genuinely care about your pain? Why or why not? • What do you believe should be done differently to help people who experience pain? • Do you believe older adults get their pain treated adequately? Why or why not? b. Student Reflection • Did any of the interview answers surprise you? Why or why not? • What are some ways you as the nurse can utilize to determine pain in the older adult; including methods for those with dementia or cognitive impairment? • What are some of the potential barriers related to self-reporting of pain in the older adult? • What is the prevalence of pain in the older adult? • How will you, as a nurse be more aware of pain issues related to older adults…what will you incorporate into practice? • What did you take away from this portion of the assignment? Part III. Complete a home assessment related to basic standards for the older adult’s environment. Perform a home assessment of the elderly persons’ home, using the HSSAT as a guide
I interviewed an older adult female over the age of 65, identified as O.F. She is 72 years old and of Caucasian ethnicity. O.F. lives alone in a suburban single-story house. The environment is quiet and residential, with nearby amenities such as a grocery store and pharmacy within a short distance.
PART II: Interview Summary and Student Reflection
During the interview, O.F. provided the following information:
O.F. experiences occasional pain, mainly in her joints and lower back. The pain is chronic and has been present for the past five years. It is manageable most of the time but can be exacerbated by physical activity or changes in weather.
The pain does interfere with O.F.’s everyday activities to some extent. She finds it difficult to engage in prolonged walking or standing, which limits her ability to do household chores and participate in social activities.
O.F. reported her pain to her primary care physician during routine check-ups. She believes it is important to communicate her pain to healthcare professionals to ensure appropriate management and to rule out any underlying conditions.
She has received treatment for her pain, including over-the-counter pain medications and physical therapy. O.F. expressed satisfaction with the treatment she received, as it has provided some relief and improved her functional abilities.
O.F. does not consider pain to be a normal part of aging, but rather a result of wear and tear on the body over time.
To manage her pain, O.F. engages in regular exercise, uses heat packs, and practices relaxation techniques. She also tries to maintain a healthy weight and follows a balanced diet.
O.F. believes that most healthcare professionals genuinely care about her pain and take her concerns seriously. However, she acknowledges that some individuals may have had negative experiences that could affect their perception.
In O.F.’s opinion, more emphasis should be placed on providing education about pain management strategies and options. She believes that a holistic approach, including physical, psychological, and social aspects, should be considered in pain management.
She thinks that older adults may not always receive adequate pain treatment due to factors such as underreporting, communication barriers, and age-related biases.
Student Reflection:
Some of the interview answers did not surprise me, as they align with the commonly observed experiences of older adults and their perception of pain. However, O.F.’s proactive approach in reporting her pain and actively seeking treatment was impressive.
As a nurse, there are several methods to determine pain in older adults, including self-report, observational assessment, and the use of validated pain assessment tools. For individuals with dementia or cognitive impairment, it may be necessary to rely more on nonverbal cues, behavioral changes, and input from family members or caregivers.
Barriers related to self-reporting of pain in older adults include fear of being seen as a burden, stoicism, cognitive impairments, communication difficulties, and age-related biases that may dismiss or downplay their pain.
The prevalence of pain in older adults is high, with studies indicating that around 50% of community-dwelling older adults experience chronic pain.
This interview highlighted the importance of considering pain issues in older adults and adopting a comprehensive approach to pain management. As a nurse, I will be more aware of pain-related concerns in older adults by incorporating regular pain assessments, active listening, and open communication. I will also educate patients and their families about different pain management strategies and resources available to them.
From this portion of the assignment, I took away the significance of individualized and holistic pain management in older adults. It reinforced the importance of actively addressing pain concerns, promoting patient-centered care, and advocating for appropriate pain management interventions.
PART III: Home Assessment
Using the Home Safety and Security Assessment Tool (HSSAT) as a guide, I performed a home assessment of O.F.’s
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