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HLTWHS003 – Maintain work health and safety

CHCECE016 – Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children (2)
HLTWHS003 – Maintain work health and safety (3)
Qualification/Course code, name and release number
CHC50113 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (4)
Student details
Student number
Student name
Assessment Declaration
• This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
• No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.
• I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.
Student signature and Date

Version: 1.0
Date created: 2018
Date modified: 09/10/2019
For queries, please contact:
SkillsPoint – HWCS
Location – Western Sydney Region
© 2019 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2019, and should not be reproduced without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 9 October 2019. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge regarding conducting an excursion in an early childhood setting, including health information that is necessary to understand in the planning and implementation of that excursion.
Assessment Event number 2 of 5
Instructions for this assessment This is a case study assessment and it will be assessing you on your knowledge and performance of skills required by the unit.
This assessment is in 3 parts:
1. Case study scenario
2. Short answer questions
3. Assessment feedback
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it or hand it to your trainer for marking.
Ensure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of this assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions must be answered correctly.
What do I need to provide? Assessment
What the assessor will provide? Assessment
Due date and time allowed Enter due date and time allowed
Assessment feedback, review or appeals Appeals are addressed in accordance with Every Students Guide to Assessment.
Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the case study below will be used by the assessor to determine whether you have satisfactorily completed the Case Study Scenario. Use these instructions and criteria to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge.

Part 1: Case Study Scenario
To complete this part of the assessment, you will be required to read the Case Study Scenario below.
Once you have read the information, you are required to complete your written responses to questions 1 – 9 in the spaces provided in this document. Please ensure you take note of the volume of response requirement where indicated.
Once completed you will need to submit this assessment to your assessor for marking.
Case Study Scenario:
You are the lead educator in the Explorers (3-6yrs) room you are required to plan an excursion for your group of children (24 of them) to the local Aged Care centre for a weekly story and music time with the residents.
The children will walk to the Aged Care centre each week, spend an hour at the centre with residents reading stories and doing a music group time. You will need to answer the questions and provide the information required to show how you will ensure the children are safe and supervised during this excursion.

Excursion / Family Health Scenario Information
Centre details:

Nearest traffic lights
O’Connell St and the Great Western Highway
Other details:
You are the lead educator, you have twenty-four (24) children each day. The children range in age from 3yrs to 5½ yrs old.
You have 2 other staff in the room with you every day and have access to parents to assist with the excursion each week.
You may also require relief staff to accompany you on the excursion from time to time.
One of the children who will be attending the excursion is anaphylactic to bee stings and peanuts.
After 1 of your trips to the Aged Care Centre the manager rings you to inform you that they have had 2 residents diagnosed with Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
Following this information is:
Risk Assessment format and Hierarchy of Risk Management
Incident report form
Required policies for Emergency procedures and Incident management
? Excursion risk management plan
Excursion details
Date(s) of excursion Excursion destination
Departure and arrival times
Proposed activities Water hazards? Yes/No
If yes, detail in risk assessment below.
Method of transport, including proposed route
Name of excursion co-ordinator
Contact number of excursion co-ordinator (BH) (M)
Number of children attending excursion Number of educators/parents/volunteers
Educator to child ratio, including whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio?
Please provide details.
Excursion checklist
o First aid kit o List of adults participating in the excursion
o List of children attending the excursion o Contact information for each adult
o Contact information for each child o Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services
o Medical information for each child o Other items, please list
Risk assessment
Activity Hazard identified Risk assessment
(use matrix) Elimination/control measures Who When

Plan prepared by
Prepared in consultation with
Communicated to:
Venue and safety information reviewed and attached Yes / No
Comment if needed:
Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.
Risk Matrix
Likelihood Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Almost certain Moderate High High Extreme Extreme
Likely Moderate Moderate High Extreme Extreme
Possible Low Moderate High High Extreme
Unlikely Low Low Moderate High High
Rare Low Low Low Moderate High

Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
Name: …………………………………………………………….. Position/role: ………………………………………..
Date and time record was made ……………………………. Signature: ……………………………..
Child’s full name:………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of birth: …………………… Age: …….. ..Gender : o Male o Female
Incident date: ………………………………… Time: ……………….. am/pm Location: ……………………………………………………..
Name of witness: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Witness signature: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: . ……………..

General activity at the time of incident/injury/trauma/illness: …………………………………………………………………..
Cause of injury/trauma: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Circumstances surrounding any illness, including apparent symptoms: …………………………………………………………………..

Circumstances if child appeared to be missing or otherwise unaccounted for (incl duration, who found child etc):
Circumstances if child appeared to have been taken or removed from service or was locked in/out of service (incl who took the child, duration):

Nature of injury/trauma/illness:
Abrasion / Scrape Eye injury
Allergic reaction (not anaphylaxis Infectious diseases (incl gastrointestinal)
Amputation High temperature
Anaphylaxis Ingestion / inhalation / insertion
Asthma/Respiratory Internal injury / infection
Bite wound Poisoning
Bruise Rash
Broken bone / fracture / dislocation Respiratory
Burn / sunburn Seizure / unconscious / convulsion
Choking Sprain / swelling
Crush / jam Stabbing / piercing
Cut / open wound Tooth
Drowning (non-fatal) Venomous bite / sting
Electric shock Other: (specify)
Indicate on diagram the part of body affected
Details of action taken (including first aid, administration of medication etc): Epipen administered, child monitored for increasing signs and symptoms. Ambulance called at 12:18pm …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Did emergency services attend?: Yes / No
Was medical attention sought from a registered practitioner / hospital?: Yes / No
If yes to either of the above, provide details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Have any steps been taken to prevent or minimise this type of incident in the future?: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Parent/guardian: …………………………………………………. Time: …………………………….. Date: …………………….
Director/educator/coordinator:…………………………….. Time: ……………….……………. Date: . ……………………
Other agency (if applicable): …………………………………………. Time: ………… am/pm Date: …../……../……..
Regulatory authority (if applicable): ……………………………….. Time: ………….am/pm Date: …./……../……..
I……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (name of parent/guardian)
have been notified of my child’s incident/injury/trauma/illness. (Please circle)
Signature: …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………
Part 2: Short answer
Read the question carefully. Your answer should be a minimum of 25 words but no longer than 250 words.
1. Write an Information Sheet / Permission Note for parents giving the required details for the excursion.
Attach as a separate document to this assessment
2. Complete a detailed list of everything you would take each week on the excursion. Include food, drink, medication and emergency information etc.
3. You will be required to complete a safety checklist. In this early childhood education and care setting, who is the PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking)? What are his/her rights and responsibilities during the organising and undertaking of this excursion? (Refer to Chapter 3 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011)
Rights and responsibilities:
4. Using the format provided above, complete a Risk Assessment that assesses the risks involved in the travel arrangements, supervision of children and safety of the environment for the excursion. Ensure that you address how the hazards will be minimized and who will be responsible for these (refer to the Hierarchy of Risk Management in this).
Complete risk assessment above
5. a) How will the children be grouped to ensure their safety?
b) What information would you give to staff/relief staff/parents about their role in supervising the children on the excursion?
6. a) How would you address any concerns parents might have about the excursion.
b) How would you make sure the children’s medical management plans are current before you go on the excursion?
c) Detail how you will ensure the safety of the child with anaphylaxis.
7. On the day, on the way back the service this child is stung by a bee. Complete the incident report (in the Appendix) to outline your response to this emergency (also consider the other children and how you will group them to ensure their safety). How would you communicate the incident to the child’s parents?
8. You have been back at the centre for a day. The manager of the Aged Care Facility has contacted you to tell you that 2 of the residents have been diagnosed with Pertussis (Whooping Cough). Outline what your response in this situation.
9. Detail the information you will pass on to parents regarding the information above.

Part 3: Assessment Feedback
NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback.
Marking Guide
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments
• Complete all parts of the task
• Information sheet provided to parents contains sufficient information to meet the regulatory requirements and inform parents of what will be happening
• Complete list of items to be taken on excursions
• Identifies rights and responsibilities of PCBU during and prior to the excursion
• Correctly identifies duty of care
• Correctly identifies appropriate information from WHS Regulations in relation to risk assessment and management
• Undertake a risk assessment for the excursion including implications for supervision
• Appropriate care will be taken during the excursion to meet the children’s needs and regulatory requirements.
• Identifies appropriate grouping of children during excursion and medical emergency to ensure safety and wellbeing of all children.
• Ensure new or relief educators are informed of supervision arrangements and of what they are required to do in relation to supervising children

• Ensure that any concerns or questions about a child’s health needs are conveyed to their family
• Ensures that an appropriate health plan is in place for the child with anaphylaxis
• Responds appropriately to the medical emergency of anaphylactic situation
• Correctly completes incident report for child with bee sting. Communicates with appropriate people when responding to the situation
• Advises families of cases of infectious diseases at the service and provide them with relevant information
• Communicate information to families about the service’s emergency procedures and incident management plans
• Demonstrate relevant reading, written and oral communication skills
and show knowledge of:
• potential hazards to children, including medical conditions
• completed a workplace incident report
• safety issues and risk management strategies for children’s health and safety in a variety of contexts
• relevant organisational standards, policies and procedures
• state/territory legislation and state/territory WHS authorities
• legislative requirements for record-keeping and reporting
• principles of hazards and risk assessment • Does not or incorrectly completes parts of the task
• Information sheet provided to parents contains insufficient information to meet the regulatory requirements and inform parents of what will be happening
• Imcomplete list of items to be taken on excursions
• Unable to or incorrectly identifies rights and responsibilities of PCBU during and prior to the excursion

• Unable to or incorrectly identifies appropriate information from WHS Regulations in relation to risk assessment and management.
• Inaccurate in no risk assessment for the excursion including implications for supervision

• Inappropriate or insufficient information will be taken during the excursion to meet the children’s needs and regulatory requirements.
• Does not identify appropriate grouping of children during excursion and medical emergency to ensure safety and wellbeing of all children.
• Does not ensure that any concerns or questions about a child’s health needs are conveyed to their family
• Does not ensures that an appropriate health plan is in place for the child with anaphylaxis
• Responds inappropriately to the medical emergency of anaphylactic situation
• Incorrectly completes incident report for child with bee sting. Does not communicate with appropriate people when responding to the situation
• Does not advise families of cases of infectious diseases at the service and provide them with relevant information
• Does not or incorrectly communicates information to families about the service’s emergency procedures and incident management plans
• Incorrectly identifies duty of care
• Does not demonstrate relevant reading, written and oral communication skills
And/or does not show sufficient knowledge of:
• potential hazards to children, including medical conditions
• completed a workplace incident report
• safety issues and risk management strategies for children’s health and safety in a variety of contexts
• relevant organisational standards, policies and procedures
• state/territory legislation and state/territory WHS authorities
• legislative requirements for record-keeping and reporting
• principles of hazards and risk assessment
Assessment outcome
? Satisfactory
? Unsatisfactory
Assessor Feedback
? Was the assessment event successfully completed?
? If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed?
? Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date:
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?
Student name, signature and date
NOTE: Make sure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before attaching the cover sheet and submitting to your assessor for marking.

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