Assignment Help by UK’s No.1 Writing Service

Religious Militancy and the Media as a Weapon

Religious Militancy and the Media as a Weapon Option #1: Religious Militancy and the Media as a Weapon Explain the rise of religious militancy and terrorism and how the internet and the media are used as tools and weapons. The information on this topic can be found in the module lectures, readings, and videos presented […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Although there is a movement called the APRN Consensus Model

Now that you are in your final course in your program, it is time to turn in earnest to preparing for certification and licensure. You will need to take and pass a national AGPCNP certification exam. Once certified, you will then be eligible to apply for licensure as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) in […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

The patient is a 67-year-old black male with a chief complaint

To prepare: Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Focused SOAP Note Template. Select a patient who you saw at your practicum site during the last 3 weeks. With this patient in mind, consider the following: Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding his or her personal and medical history? Objective: What observations did […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Number of sources: 4 Paper instructions: As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Review the Comprehensive SOAP Note Template

In Week 3, you completed a focused SOAP note. This week, you will complete a comprehensive SOAP note. Both types of SOAP note provide a cognitive framework for diagnostic reasoning and treatment planning. To prepare: Review the Comprehensive SOAP Note Template. Select a patient who you saw at your practicum site during the last 5 […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Paper instructions: Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Comprehensive Well-Woman Exam

Comprehensive Well-Woman Exam Number of sources: 4 Paper instructions: For a wide variety of medical conditions, early detection of the problem enables timely and more effective treatment. Annual well-woman exams are among the best tools available for health care professionals to identify potential diseases and medical conditions in women. Advanced nurse practitioners can play an […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making

The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: Word cloud generators have become popular tools for meetings and team-building events. Groups or teams are asked to use these applications to input words they feel best describe their team or their role. A “word cloud” is generated by the application that […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Evidence Base in Design

Evidence Base in Design Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: When politics and medical science intersect, there can be much debate. Sometimes anecdotes or hearsay are misused as evidence to support a particular point. Despite these and other challenges, however, evidence-based approaches are increasingly used to inform health policy decision-making regarding causes of disease, intervention […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Paper instructions: Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs […]

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Date: May 31st, 2023