Diagnosis and Management of Gastrointestinal Disorders Case Study 2 Victoria is a 15-year-old who complains of chronic sore throat and bad taste in her mouth. Her height and weight are appropriate for age and she remains on the same growth trajectory since infancy. Abdominal examination and chest examination are negative. History reveals frequent burping and […]
Shakespeare literature Citation Style: MLA instructions For Assignment #3, first read at least the first three Acts of Twelfth Night. Watching the Trevor Nunn movie version of the play is also recommended. The assignment has two parts; your written answer to each part should be about 250 words, or 500 words in total. If you […]
Topic: Promoting Safety And Reducing Risk: Program Evaluation. Read the required readings. Next, visit the CDC Injury Prevention and Control website about child safety and injury prevention at https://cdc.gov/earlycare/safety/index.html. Additionally, review the CDC childhood injury report at https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/child-injury/ For this discussion, create an outline with supportive content for implementing a simple educational program or intervention […]
Use Diagnostic Tool for psychiatric diagnosis Write a 4-5 page paper describing use of a specific screening tool. Your writing Assignment should: • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; • be a minimum of 4 pages in length, […]
Soap Note # ____ Main Diagnosis ______________ PATIENT INFORMATION Name: Age: Gender at Birth: Gender Identity: Source: Allergies: Current Medications: • PMH: Immunizations: Preventive Care: Surgical History: Family History: Social History: Sexual Orientation: Nutrition History: Subjective Data: Chief Complaint: Symptom analysis/HPI: The patient is … Review of Systems (ROS) (This section is what the patient […]
Primary Source Analysis Paper Hist 17A Read: Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass until page 50. Write a 3-5 page paper answering the following questions: 1) What does the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave demonstrate about slavery in America? After reading the […]
A 75-year-old man with a history of hypertension, diabetes, environmental allergies, and colon polyps presents to the office with a complaint of persistent dry hacking cough that does not improve with over-the-counter treatment with antitussives and allergy medications. The man reports that he has had the cough for 3 months and is tired of the […]
Health status change of the older adult. 1 Evidence Based Practice Paper A health status change of the older adult Develop a professional paper using APA format with a focus on the older adult. Review the “Older Adult” chapter 10, and the “Sensory, Perception & Response” chapter 30, in the main textbook for ideas. Pick […]
Week 7 Discussion – Union Legal Implications and Legal Influences Determine the relevancy of the following acts today: The Norris-La Guardia Act. The National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act. The Labor Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act. Provide three specific examples to support your position on the current relevancy of these acts. The following article provides more context […]
Assignment title:Anti-discrimination Report 1.1 needs to be definition of discrimination and oppression then 2-3 sentences about differences between them maim 150 words. 2.1 analyse the different forms that discrimination and oppression can take within care settings( my choice is nursing homes) 3.1explains in detail the effects of this on:individual,groups and the wider society. 4.1explains how […]