Write my assignment online

Essay 1: The Type of Judge I Would Be in Juvenile Court

Essay 1 Imagine you are a judge in juvenile court. What type of justice would you be; would you be lenient? Extra harsh? Explain your rationale for the type of judge you would be. What sorts of crimes would you be harsher about? Would the punishment you assign vary by the juvenile’s age? What other […]

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Date: March 3rd, 2023

Homework #2

Homework #2 Due February 28th, 11:59pm Each homework submission must include: • An archive (.zip or .gz) file of the source code containing: o The makefile used to compile the code on Monsoon (5pts) o All .cpp and .h files (5pts) • A full write-up (.pdf of .doc) file containing answers to homework’s questions (5pts), […]

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Date: February 21st, 2023